I have to make up excuses to post so that I can use up all the wonderful Fairy Day images I have stored in my computer!
Thursday is the day we held our book club/solstice/fairy day celebration. Thursday is also the day my new company received its license to abstract in Morton County, which is across the river from Burleigh County where Bismarck is located. So to celebrate the company president invited us to have drinks and snacks at Fiesta Villa, a Mexican restaurant in Bismarck. What a dilemma - I had so much left to do to prepare for the party. (Yes, I am a procrastinator.)
I felt I had to make an appearance as I am a new employee and I do work in the Morton County office. I am glad I went. We sat out on the patio, which is shaded with small trees and filled with flowering planters. It was a perfect June evening, I had a great strawberry margarita and chips and salsa (my supper) and I got to meet the people from the Bismarck office. But all the time I'm thinking, I gotta go, I gotta go. Fortunately, I was not the first to leave. At 6:00 someone left and I made hurried apologies as I got up too.
At home I scurried around, filling my gift bags, checking and re-checking them, looking for the temporarily-lost fairy wands (WHERE CAN THEY BE???), printing things off the computer, adding last-minute touches like stickers, rummaging through all my craft supplies to find the embroidery thread because the rings on the fairy charms were so small I couldn't use ribbon. The next thing I know, Gracie has snatched the card with the five colors of floss and taken it out in the yard. I had to chase her around for five minutes before she got distracted by Penny's ball and left the card in a gummed up mess on the lawn. Fortunately, the lavender color was not harmed.
Finally, I am ready to go. I'm late, but I'll make up for lost time by speeding. Bad idea! All the bags fall off the seat onto the car floor. Then I get lost finding my way to Vicki's. I can never find her place, which is ridiculous, seeing as how I used to live just a few blocks from there.
I gather everything up haphazardly and dump it willy nilly into the bags. Fortunately Vicki came to my rescue. We dumped all the bags out on her bed, sorted things out and re-filled the bags. You can imagine the state I was in, but then I stopped and thought. We are celebrating fairy day. Would a fairy act that way? She would take everything in her stride. Stop acting like a human and start acting like a fairy. So I did, and the rest of the evening went very well, and when I left, I drove straight home, because I can always find my way BACK from Vicki's.
I am sure that in the fairy world, all things go smoothly all the time. Never a ruffled feather or fairy wing, never any mud, never any hurt feelings, never anything but play and rest and beautiful music and reading. But alas, I spend 99.99% of my time in the human world. But hopefully I can keep on thinking like a fairy and not get so ruffled all the time.

We have to recognize the boy fairies too!
Boy fairies seem to be hard to find. I am in the process of having a boy fairy tattoo designed,
You are my perfect fairy! a humble fairy, LOL
I loved the image. The intensity of the blue is wonderful.
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