The great news I received is that my dear daughter has been given a fantastic promotion at work. She is now the Acting Director of Serials at the university library where she works. She gets a super raise along with the title. Hurray for Kristen! She called with the news this morning and I pictured her as the new "director of cereals". LOL!
The not-so-good news is that I have been having tingling and numbness in my left hand, and today the doctor confirmed one of my worst fears: he thinks it is probably carpal tunnel syndrome. This could have serious economic impact for me, since I am at the computer all day long at work. And of course, blogging doesn't help. Fortunately, I sought treatment right away. He is starting me off with a splint, and hopefully that will do the trick.
I had so many October and Halloween posts planned that I was going to make you cry for a ban on orange and black and beg for mercy for me to stop! Halloween is my favorite holiday other than Christmas and I go all out for it.
I plan to write one more post tonight and then make my rounds of your blogs. After that, I plan to take a week-long break from blogging and see if that helps my hand. Other than that, I don't know what else to do, except do posts with a lot of pictures and not many words. Of course, I'll still be reading your blogs - like downloading photos, that only needs a click with my good right hand. Please understand when I do not comment.

Congratulations to Autumn, she will be so thrilled to learn she's the winner of your Autumn giveaway:-) Congratulations also to your daughter on her promotion, all the very best to her!! I'm still giggling at the "cereal" remark you made! hehe Oh dear, having Carpel Tunnel certainly isn't very good news, especially if most of your work is done on the computer!! Of course we'll understand if you must take a break from making posts...just hope it does help! xox
I'll miss your lovely comments so much while you rest your hand Julie - but please do that and get well soon.
Congrats. to your 'cereal daughter' on her big promo. She must be a smart as her Mommy!!!
Take care - hugs
Yippie, Yippie, Yippie...I am so excited. I won, I won, I won! Thank you sooooooooooo much. I can't wait to get all those pretty things. I will email you my address ASAP
P.S. Congrats to your daughter on the new job.
Take care of your hand...I was afraid it was carpel tunnel. There is a "b" vitamin which helps heal carpel tunnel. Mr. Pear knows which one I think...I'll get back to you about that!
I know you are so proud of Kristen!
Her promotion is very good news!
So glad to hear Autumn won. I love fall and Halloween.
congratulations to Kristen, and to Autumn too. I can understand her excitement!
I am sorry you're having health problems, and I'll keep everyhting crossed that the splint and the rest helps. I will miss you too Julie. Take care, get well. Leanne x
Please don't you worry one teeny tiny bit about commenting! Nor about making entries either. We understand.
And certainly anyone who has had physical things which keep us from as much Net things as we usually do... Certainly all of us will very much understand.
And we will scold you, if you do not take time off! Well, _I_ will scold you anyway! ,-) 'Cause I'm pushy that way. >,-)
Now go and rest that wrist. Do! Do! Do!
Plueeeeeeeeeeeze do.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Carpel Tunnel. I know that splints do sometimes help, and the surgery helped my dad. I think rest is the best solution. I'll just have to post some extra orange and black for you! I love Halloween too!
Take care.
Oh, I forgot to send best wishes to your daughter!
Congratulations on the promotion!
Thanks everyone for the congratulations!
Congrats to Autumn!! And also to Kristen. I laughed at the Director of Cereals!!
Take care of your hand and give it some TLC. My hubby had carpel tunnel surgery on both his wrists a few years ago but he'd had it for years. And no need to worry about commenting. We all understand.
Yay for Autumn, I adore her honesty!
And Congratulations to Kristen!
And I see that you will be doing the same I do, posting pictures only, LOL.
Unfortunately your written words are worth thousands but your hand is more important now so take care of yourself.
Don't worry about commenting.
I can't comment often and I blog around noon on my breaks and those are my rules to myself, don't panic and take it easy so please take care of yourself FIRST and then read blogs and post pictures or whatever is easier on your hand.
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