Thursday, December 31, 2009


The last day of 2009 is a doozy -- triply auspicious. Not only is it the eve of a new year and the start of a new decade, but also the occurrence of a full moon, a partial lunar eclipse (only visible in the US in the far northeast) and a Blue Moon to boot. We haven't seen a Blue Moon on New Year's Eve since 1990, and we won't see one again until 2028.

Since I've already written posts about the Blue Moon and Scottish New Year, Hogmanay, I'll provide links to those two posts and leave you to peruse some New Year's postcards. and

These postcards all feature vintage-looking snowmen, which I think are far more charming, lively and interesting than modern-day snowmen!

Among the most charming of the snowmen, I think, are those labeled Gelukkig Nieuwjaar, which I found out to be Dutch. Those labeled Bonne Annee are French, the Prosit Neujahr card is German and the card that says in the Cyrillic langage is Russian. The card with the clown snowman is probably Czech, as Happy New Year in Czech is Stastny Novy Rok.

Happy New Year and Happy Hogmanay, Ath Bhliain Faoi Mhaise (Irish Gaelic), Bliadhna Mhath Ur (Scottish Gaelic) and Godt Nyttår (Norwegian). Enjoy!


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Lovely - just lovely. I always enjoy your posts so much and learn a lot too. Wish I had done a new years eve post about the blue moon - but guess that will have to wait until 2028. LOL

Janet said...

You're so right....these snowmen are much better than the modern style we see now. All your postcards are wonderful.

Happy New Year to you and yours, dear Julie! I hope 2010 is fantastic for everyone.

SquirrelQueen said...

I agree, these snowmen have far more character than their modern counterparts. Tonight's blue moon will be hidden from view here by the clouds so I guess we will have to wait until 2028.
Happy New Year!

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

Love your vintage snowman...and am so glad that "I speak to you." Happy New Year to you and much happiness in 2010.


gma said...

Hi! We were just outside admiring that big beautiful Blue moon! It is a good sign for the coming year!
Happy New Year to you dear Julie.

Rowan said...

The Blue Moon was clearly visible here last night, a beautiful sight. I hope you saw it too. Happy New Year!

Autumn Leaves said...

What gorgeous cards, Julie! I love that you find all of these Victorian era paintings and photos and cards...I never get tired of seeing them. Hope 2010 is a fabulous year for you and yours.

Sheila said...

Happy New Year Julie!~
I love these postcards.
Our blue moon was hidden by snow clouds!

Lila Rostenberg said...

Wonderful and charming! Those are debonaire snowmen!
Happy New Year!
[We went out and saw the blue moon through the bare branches of our elm tree! Lovely!]

MILLY said...

Happy New Year to you.
I have just enjoyed your collection of snowmen, holly and robin cards. Some wonderful images along with your knowledge.
We have an amazing full moon too.

Shopgirl said...

Love your posts as ever, I am trying to catch up....It has been busy around here.
I was told by a friend a few years ago that I am Passive/Aggressive...I know what the words mean, but I am not sure that it is me. If it means that I speak my could be me.
All the love you can handle in the New Year! Mary