Sometimes there are no words for the unspeakable horrors and evils in this world. I call to mind my previous post about the Holocaust.
Sometimes we endure our own individual nightmares. Though we may never have been the victims of genocide, child abuse, murder, starvation, political torture, terminal illness and the like, we all have our own private hells. Even though they may be far more insignificant, when we are enduring them, they impact us greatly.
I have been in my own micro-hell for an entire season and more. Since early February, life has seemed to me all doom and gloom. Though I have largely chosen not to blog about them, certain outward events caused inward terrors - mostly night terrors. Sleep has eluded me for weeks and weeks.
Blogging was the first enjoyment to go. Then commenting. Then e-mailing. I have neglected my good blogging friends, as well as the new ones who had timorously extended their precious hands of friendship to me.
Finally, when life seemed to again glow and shimmer with promise, the rains came.
Oh, yes, you remember me begging for rain. It has rained now for three weeks. We have received three inches so far in June! This is wonderful for drought-starved ND, but so burdensome on my tenuous happiness.
Remember the short-lived TV series, in which Steven Weber walked around with a constant storm cloud above his head? That is how I have been feeling the past three weeks. I don't want to clean house. The dogs drag in mud. At work my brain is muzzy and foggy. Mail promised parcels? Plant some flowers? Finish a book? Make some art? Impossible.
But this afternoon, the skies cleared, the air warmed. Light and life returned. To keep this elusive, tentative happiness near, I have decided to celebrate International Fairy Day (June 24) for the rest of the month.
I'm sure you know the phrases, "Whatever rings your chimes" and "Whatever floats your boat". Well, to me, all month, Fairy Day rings my chimes and floats my boat.
In the end, it doesn't matter what gives you a lifeline, if it saves you. Rainbows? Hearts and flowers? Unicorns? Fairies? Balloons? Kittens? Cute puppies? Elvis? Star Wars? The Lord of the Rings? Yes, yes, embrace them!
Recently a very good blogging friend of mine was chastised for writing about fairies in her blog. The commenter, a self-described Christian, to me epitomizes those self-righteous, sanctimonious, self-serving "SO-CALLED" Christians who make life so miserable for so many. My friend was deeply wounded.
But, dear Pea - and other friends - be not afraid to embrace the fairies. I plan to write many posts about fairies during the rest of June. Watch out for Fairy Day - June 24 - and the day after, my birthday! Yes, Fairy Day is on the eve of my birthday this year, so extra celebrating will ensue.
And if you don't care to read about fairies, and think this is all nonsense, feel free to depart - silently. (Forgive me - I am a bit angry. The wonderful lady who started the Holocaust Project was chastised by a commenter for - get this - simply asking people if they cared to participate in the project!!!!)
But back to floating boats and ringing chimes. Another dear blogging friend, Robyn in Australia, has been posting about fairies for a couple of weeks already. Last January, in celebration of her 50th birthday, Robyn created a private Fairyland. Now, in celebration of Fairy Day, she has opened Fairyland for an entire month. But beware - one month flies by so quickly. Don't miss it!
I don't believe Robyn and I will steal each other's thunder and overlap much in our Fairy Day celebrations (but I have "spirited away" some of her images, ha!). Please visit her and read her wonderful posts, which include the previously private entries. She will tell you how to entice the fairies, tell you their lore and legends and show you how they are connected to the natural world.
As for me, I will be sharing the gorgeous fairy paintings I have collected. I start with the four paintings you see in this post, which are all by the wonderful fairy painter, Margaret Tarrant. I will also be printing fairy poems and anything else about fairies that strikes my fancy.
Though official Fairy Day is still some days away, I am giving you the link to the Fairy Day website now so that you may peruse it and find creative ways to celebrate the day: http://www.fairyday.com/. There, you'll see the Fairy Day button I'm using, and a lot more to choose from.
Now, I beg you to carefully step aboard Tarrant's "Boat to Fairyland", below. It will take you all the way to Australia, where Dear Robyn has opened the Portal to Fairyland. After you climb upon her magic bird, you will be immediately transported and alight, unharmed, in "The Enchanted Forest": http://theportaltofaeryland.blogspot.com/
Beautiful and fun!
I thougth of you today when I saw it would be sunny and in the low 70's in North Dakota. A perfect day and you have enjoyed it!
Do I believe in faeries? I always stop to look at them in books, I also think they are painted with delicate hands, so light and beautiful. Tinker Bell was one of my favorites from Disney. They are one of the beautiful mistories, and I see it this way....it's not weather I believe in them, It's about you, and I think they are special little peeks into our child hood, and they give me a warm fuzzy when I see the art that is centered around them. Now being a little Irish myself, I would never stop looking for them...so do I believe in faeries? I think I do because they make me smile. I am glad the cloud has moved out of your blue sky. I know what you have shared happens to alot of us.
If a fairy gave you peace and comfort, who is to say what God might do to lift your spirits.
Have a wonderful weekend....I will be looking for the Faeries!
Your, Mary
What a wonderful post! But I am so sad and deeply disturbed that you are in pain and that others are being "talked to" about what or what not, they believe.
How would they like it if their beliefs were chastised? Hmmm? Do you DARE answer?
Dear Julie, I'm so glad you have brought the fairies into your life to lift your spirits. I'm sorry to know what a hard time you've had recently, and hope all will be well soon. I'd noticed your silence and wondered about you, so it's really good to see this. Be well, my friend.
ignore the disbelievers! faeries are real! and personally, I am tge richer for knowing that!!
Leanne x
Oh Julie! I loved all the pictures!
Julie, it was just for you!
Big Hugs, Mary
Fairies are incredible... While reading your post I was inspired to make 3 computer backgrounds using google images of fairies. Thank you!
Mary: She says she thinks she could get well again, if children believed in fairies. Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe.
Gertie: I do, I do, I do.
Mary: If you believe, clap your hands.
Do you hear me clapping?
lovely dear Julie xo
now to being chastised for faeries... many blogging moons ago, before you were blogging, I was chastised, witch hunted and constantly harrassed by so called christians for opening an angel blog. That has been so much of my angst the past years ... faeries exist - you & I know it... pooey, bah humbug and sympathy to those that think otherwise... xoxo
(me, being part fae *yes, I have seen my wings... well, I know that faeries exist... cause here I am!!)
I hope the cloud is lifting for you... today, I create a special podling in honour of Daisy...
-clapping hands!- I love it! I love it! I love faeries!
But you dared to write; "Recently a very good blogging friend of mine was chastised for writing about ..."
Be aware Dear Friend... Standing up for another person in Blog Land, can bring 'interesting' consequences. Remember how "Terry" came via email, to me?????? With accusations of "slander" and "defamation"? Remember?
And also remember, that many whom I had considered my blogging friends, then avoided me, 'like the plague.' Showing this, by not commenting in my blog, until they seems sure that "the storm had passed." -wry smile- -very, very wry smile-
Getting an email like that from "Terry" , is an 'eye-opener,' in lots of ways!!!
'Smilnsigh' blog
Oh count me in on the fun!! I love faeries, have ever since I was a little girl.
I always feel if you don't like something someone else has posted than don't leave any comment at all.
Hope you are having a lovely fairy filled day! Hugs))
Celebrating fairies...I will celebrate with you and love going through the portal to Fairyland.
You have really had some lousy weather this year....come see me in Az. Really I mean it!!!!
Julie, I'm sorry that you have had such a doom and gloom year but glad that the skies are brighter now - hope it stays that way.
I love your fairy pictures, I've always liked Margaret Tarrant's work, there are still books of hers upstairs that my cgildren had when they were small. Do you know the Flower Fairy books by Cicely Mary Barker? They have the prettiest illustrations and a poem for each.
There are quite a few faeries hiding around my house. I even have a couple faery coloring books that I love. I'm so glad to know that there is a specific day set aside to celebrate faeries. I will certainly be marking it.
Dearest Julie,
I SOOOO love this post and I am truly looking forward to all your faerie posts for this month!! I was thinking just the other day that Faerie Day was fast approaching...it's my son Corey's birthday on that day:-)
Don't worry, I will never let anyone stop me from blogging about faeries whenever I want or stop me loving faeries...believe me, they've helped me get through some dark days and nights:-) Every time I look at a faerie picture I only see beauty and grace and it brings a smile to my face and lightens my heart. I'm so glad to hear that they do the same for you:-) I do hope you start feeling much better soon...I've been there and I know it's no fun...I'm here for you anytime you need to talk. Believe me, I understand. Love ya! xoxox
Hey Julie,
My Mom LOVEEEES Faeries.....I've bought all types of them for her for years..ornaments, statues...whatever I found that I knew she'd like.
Your photos were FAB!! Very vivid and colorful.
Before I went to Ireland I read TONs on Faeries and such. :~)
Never hurts to know what to look for incase you run across one.
I don't think we have them here down in the South. HA!
People need to be sensitive as to what they comment to each other on blogs. I must admit that I DID do it once..said something negative....and learned a huge lesson. Ugh.
One thing about it is this....blogs are the persons who blog. They are their own "creative expression"...so that person can do or say whatever they wantever they want ....you know?? IF people don't want to read them....they don't have to.
I suppose if someone poses a question out to "Blogger land" that one should be prepared for what will come forth...because you never know what people will "launch at you"....but....we DO have the right to express what we feel and believe. Just my opinion for what it's worth...ha!
That's what's great about being American....we have that protected right.
I hope you are feeling MUCH better. Sorry you've been "under" it. I will write you soon!
Hang in there......I'm thinking of you.
Joyce M.
Happy up-coming birthday! If you will email me- I have a little something I'd like to share with you for your big day - it's something I have enjoyed (it's little) and would like to pass it on to someone who might enjoy it too!
HI Julie,
Happy to hear that the sun is a little brighter in your life.
I find that bad things are like a roller coaster and they just keep
Rolling in….. you just have to get to the end of the ride and hope you come off alive ……..
When my kids were little we would always celebrate Midsummers Eve with a fairy tea
and set out a miniature party setting for the fairies to enjoy that night. In return
the fairies would leave little gifts made of natural materials. My kids looked so forward to this every year, I think they loved this as much as Christmas….
I hope that your friend deleted that negative remarks…
Have a very HAPPY Birthday month….
You write so beautifully and it is a joy to read! I am so sorry you have endured pain and sorrow and so happy that the fairies were there to lift your spirits!
I am clapping...clapping beause I believe in fairies! I do, I do!
I really enjoyed your posts about fairies and added your blog to my Blog list at Friends of Faerie. My faerie friends said they wanted their own blog, so what could I do? They also took their own picture which I have posted on the blog as well.
I'll keep checking in to see what is new here.
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