(What my outside world looks like - Brr!)
(What I WISH my outside world looked like)

(What my inner world looks like!)
Today is my second blogiversary! I started blogging on January 20, 2007 and had written 10 posts by the end of that month. I guess I had a lot to say! I've slowed down a lot now. I only wrote 89 posts in 2008, as compared to 254 posts in 2007.
Anyway, I thought it would be a good time to talk about attributing the art work that I use in my blog. I have to admit, when I first started, I was pretty clueless about attribution. And since I don't have a digital camera, I do use a lot of art and photos from the Internet. Plus, I borrowed a lot of art from other bloggers, who didn't attribute either.
But now, I make an extra effort to find the artist or photographer of the work I use, even if I'm borrowing it from another blog. I recently ran across the name of the artist of the Boat Moon painting. I have been "over the moon" about this painting for several years. I've featured it in a post, and have printed it out for collage work. But since I borrowed it from Daisy's blog, where it was unattributed, I didn't have a name or artist for it.
(Actually, I thought it was a book illustration from the 1920s-1930s. It just has that style.) I'm happy to finally, belatedly give credit to Nancy Bright.
Although I had never heard a word from anyone about misusing their work, I was kind of scared that I would some day get a dressing down from an artist upset that I had so cavalierly taken their precious creation.
Nine days ago, out of the blue, I got an e-mail regarding the painting of the daisies and the bee, above. Here's what Alana Harley had to say: "Hey, I am the artist who painted that painting. I was surprised when I did a search to find my work out there! lol."
Well, she doesn't sound too upset!
Then, just three days later, I received an e-mail from my favorite fantasy artist, Jane Starr Weils. (I did credit her work.) Here's part of what she had to say:
"Hello lovely lady!
I just had some wonderful friends of mine - Jenna and Doug from Greenelady Music show me your page they just found showcasing my work and their music!!!!! :)
I just wanted to write and say - well...Wow! And thank you! I am very honored that you like my work to feature it so as well as Greenelady music! Have you heard their album?! Sighs..tis absolutely lovely! Lovely!!! (Julie adds: No, sorry, I haven't checked it out yet.)
. . . . I do appreciate that you recognized and enjoyed all the Celtic knotwork in my work.....I have a lovely friend / fellow artist in the UK that actually thought I was from the UK due to all my knotwork woven through my pieces! Well, tis my heritage! I love it!!! I have actually settled now in upstate New York!
Basically, just wanted to write to say thank you! Am grateful you enjoy my work!
Keep writing! Happy creating to you!!!!
Love light and laughter
Jane Starr Weils"
I was thrilled to hear from Jane, as I just adore her work. I own three of her prints and have featured her art several times in posts.
In honor of my Two Year Blogiversary, I am going to give away YOUR choice of a Jane Starr Weils ---


All you have to do is leave a comment here. You can be an old or new reader. It doesn't matter if you are from the US, Canada, the UK, Europe or Australia. (Or anywhere).
I will draw a winner's name in one week.
Meanwhile, here are some links you might want to check out:
Nancy Bright's website: http://www.seatoskyzine.com/alanasgallery.htm (The Boat Moon painting is available as a greeting card.)
The post where I feature a lot of Jane Starr Weil's art: http://celticanamcara.blogspot.com/2008/09/celtic-lady-at-crossroads.html
Jane's website: http://www.janestarrweils.com/
Greenelady Music website: http://www.greeneladymusic.com/
I've always enjoyed the artwork on your blog. Whether it's the vintage illustrations you chose for your "teacher's journal" or the Norse and Celtic-inspired paintings, you always find lovely things to show us. Over a year ago I did a search for Jane Starr Weils to view more of her wonderful work--due entirely to seeing her art on your blog!
That is wonderful!!!
Julie congratulations on 2 years of blogging.I love your writing. Your choice of artwork is always beautiful!!!No wonder Jane Starr Weils approved of her work being shown in this forum! Hope I win something from this give away...all of them beautiful things.
Sending love
Congratulations and Best Wishes on your Second Bloggiversary! I wish you much health and happiness so that you can continue blogging for many more years to come. Way to go Celtic Lady!
good morning Julie and very happy 2nd blogiversary to you!! doesnt time fly? (smiles) I would be delighted to be entered in yuor giveaway, what a lovely choice you have there!
here's to the next year of blogging and wionderful posts!
Leanne x
Everything is wonderful - all your gifts are great! Happy bloganniversary! Two years it's a very long time! I hope we have many years before us - with a pleasure of reading your posts!
Take care! Hugs and kisses from Poland :)
As I said before I enjoy reading your blog and I first looked at it because of that magic word "celtic". I like everything that has some irish, celtic, fairies, fantasy in it! And you're doing a great job.
Julie, Congratulations on your 2nd year of blogging.
You always have the most gorgeous art work on your blog! It's fun stopping by to see what you will have on next.
I'd love to be part of your give-a-way. Thanks!
I too am having a give a way, please stop by my blog.
Blessings! ~Mary~ :-}
Julie! Happy Blogaversary! You've given so much joy here in that two years. Thank you! I'm sure all the artists you feature should be really pleased to have their work gracing your blog, but it's really great that you try so hard to attribute it as fully as you can. I love the art you select, and am always amazed at the range you manage to find.
I always love reading your posts and seeing the artwork that you display. I hope I win something, they're all so pretty.
My name is Iwona and I visit your blog almost every day but I didn`t comment up till now. I love what you are posting and all this art ! Love it :) I`m very interested in celtic culture and Scotland and Ireland history as well as my own country history which is sooo rich (I`m from Poland). My dream is to trip to Scotland and Ireland someday but now it isn`t possible for me - I have 2 little baby girls :) So thanks to your blog I just can feel the atmosphere of those places. So thank you sooo much for all your writings :) Warm greetings and hugs from Poland, Iwona
PS. I love this framed tile !!!
Congratulations on the blogiversary - and all the wonderful posts. I've not been reading your blog for a really long time - but I've gone back through the archives and read everything so as not to miss a single word. I loved your autumn journal - and am still wishing for more - your writing is spectacular.
And the art you show - I've bought several pieces simply because I see them there, and would not have been introduced to the authors any other place. Thank you for a wonderful trip whenever I visit your blog.
A very happy TWO to you……
I am looking forward to two more with you…
Loved all the pictures that you have shared with us this year.
Oh, my goodness....I almost missed your Blogiversary! Happy two years to you! I hope you continue on with your blog for many years to come.
I always love the artwork you feature on your blog, and how nice that at least one of the artists appreciates your showcase of their work.
I would love to be in your drawing to win one of those lovely gifts. And if you haven't already, come put your name in the hat for my OWOH giveaway.
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging, Julie! I'd love to be entered in your lovely giveaway ... thanks!
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! I'm so glad I found you, Julie!
Happy Blogiversary!!! I can't believe it's been two years!
Found you thru Pink Gate...your art is marvelous and your site so fun to read. Celtic....which area? My family was from Cornwall.
PLEASE enter myh name into your giveaway...all the work is spectacular.
Getting to know you (your in my favorites now).
Oh Congrats on 2 years of blogging and I hope there are many more.
Your give away's are awesome I would love any of them.
Happy aniversery!!! What wonderful pictures, you must have a really romantic peaceful soul, lovely way to see the world. fiona
It's very nice to know the artists concerned appreciated the exposure on your blog. The work is lovely, I've always envied anyone who can paint or draw and put such life into their work.
Congratulations on your 2nd blog B/day..!
What fun! Congratulations on 2 yrs! your artwork selections are always beautiful.
Hi! What a neat message you received! I always worry when I "lift" from my blogging friends or off the 'net. I try to give credit where credit is due when I can, although it's not always easy as you know. I love the images you share and look forward to reading your posts as well as seeing your lovely offerings. Thanks. And here's to another 2 or 4 or 17 years of fun bloggin'!
Hi, I found your blog from the 100 best celtic blogs list. Congrats on your two years! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I live in AK and we've just gone from -20 degrees to 50 degrees. It has started to get colder again so maybe some of that is moving your way!
Pick Me!
Julie - What I have to say is actually in reference to your last three posts - first, thank you so much for the blog awared, my very first and one I certainly do not feel I deserve! I am humbled. Secondly, congratulations on your blogiversary! You are a truly wonderful and imaginative writer and I have enjoyed every word you have ever written. Your blog is visually beautiful and I am always amazed by the wonderful illustrations you feature. Lastly, do not sell your self short on your impressive knowledge of the Celts and all that you share with your readers. I am always amazed by the extent of your knowledge on a subject that has long fascinated me. Congratualtions and you should be very proud! Love, Victoria
It's Fiona's Mom here. She introduced me to your blog and I love it. She is very much a "Celtic Lady" as well. I would love to be in to the draw for one of these beautiful offerings. Margaret
Hello KJ - Karen June,
You did not register for the giveaway on the correct post, but I will not hold it against you. You meant well - LOL!
You are registered for the drawing!
Julie F
Hi Julie,
I have admired your vigor of coming up with interesting ideas despite the cold weather. I makes my creative spirit go to sleep.
Please register me for your giveaway, I would love any of those pieces.
Happy Sunday!
Annie from Bimbimbie was having trouble with blogger so I added this comment for her.
Hi Julie
I've been having a little bit of bother leaving comments with blogger today, I think it's only accepted 1 of the the two comments I left for you ...
I wanted to wish you a Happy 2nd and say that it must be the power/magic of the Celtic Knot that brought the artist lady to your blog door, I think you are going to have a lot of fun with interesting research time ahead of you this year.
Annie x
Hi again...It is Alana Harley, the Daisy and the bumble bee artist. Your website is beautiful and I don't mind at all you having my work shown...why would I be upset, You are displaying my work in a very tastefull beautiful way, have given credit to my name...basically people pay for exposure and you have done it for free! Why would any artist be upset!! LOL Well, there is some cranky artists out there, but I am happy as my artwork shows! LOL
I have a personal website ( different from the one shown) at www.huckaday.com It needs updating but this is the one I use now.
Unfortunately I haven't painted in a few years due to health problems..but I am hoping to be well enough to start up again soon!
Thanks again for keeping my paintings alive!
Alana Harley
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