I saw the movie this afternoon and highly recommend it. I haven't had so much fun at a movie since "The Wedding Crashers."
Oh, it's gonna make you feel like dancin'! So what if Pierce Brosnan can't sing. He doesn't sing that much, and it's wonderful to watch his face as he sings to his long-lost love.

There are several love stories, hunky men and pretty women and wonderful views of Greece, especially as the wedding guests ascend a very steep path to the little wedding chapel. (My husband and I went to Greece for our honeymoon so this was very nostalgic for me.)
But really, it's all about the music. I had forgotten how many hits ABBA had. I have never really appreciated them before.
I am now going to do some Wild Women art while I am inspired by "Dancing Queen", "Voulez-Vous", "SOS", "Take a Chance on Me" and my favorite, "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (A Man After Midnight)". Yes, I had to buy the soundtrack.
And ladies, it's a full moon tonight. Go out "and dance by the light of the moon". You are all wild women!
P.S. Kristen - Go to the movie. You will like it!
I'm going to have to catch that movie!
Hello Celtic Mamma Mia,
I absolutely agree with you about this movie. I had so much fun. I went with my pal and her german mother-in-law and we laughed and sang. Since seeing the movie Linda and I want to walk around our town with a boom box on our shoulders blaring "Dancing Queen" and see if we can get other women to join us!
I stumbled upon your blog a couple weeks ago and I keep peeking in. Thanks
PS I too went out and bought the sound track.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love Julie Walters and have been a fan of hers for many years.
I wasn't going to see it , but now maybe I will.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I was going to see this movie tonight but I got sick ….. So I will be staying home instead…
Maybe next weekend….
Everyone loves this movie…
I have to see that movie! I don't care if Pierce Brosnan can sing or not....I think he's cute! And any movie with three great wild women can't be bad.
This one is on my list too, anything with Julie Walters is worth seeing*!*
I hadn't heard if the movie was really good....so guess where I am going? Thanks for sharing...I will get my daughter to go with me, she is fun to take to the movies.
Happy Summer, Mary
My 14 year old daughter went with her friend and HIGHLY recommended it. I thought she was nuts. Then her friend flew back to Alberta and my daughter was so down. She decided she wanted to see the movie again, with me.
What a blast! It took everything I had to NOT get up and dance in the aisle! I laughed so hard - how 'bout at the end, the scene with the 3 guys??
I'm going to BUY that movie when it comes out.
I loved "Mama Mia" but if I were the mama I would have picked Colin Firth! Pierce has never done it for me. I always feel like he thinks he's so hot. I like the ones who are hot but don't act like they are.
Oh I just thought of a few exceptions to the "I think I'm hot rule." Like Paul Newman in "Long Hot Summer" and Bruce Willis and Colin as Mr. Darcey. Oh well...I just don't have a thing for Pierce.
Oh, Julie, I've been to see it 3 times in the past 10 days, and am casting about for my next companion for my fourth outing! It's such a feelgood, uplifting, happy movie, isn't it? I'd love to be able to go see it with you, in fact! [And funny thing is... back in the day, I never was much of an Abba fan... couldn't see the attraction]
I saw the play in Toronto a few years ago. I immediately bought the soundtrack because it was such a fun play. I can't wait to see the movie ! I'm glad to hear it was good too.
Oh, I do want to see this! Any of the women that have seen this recommend it highly! Glad you had a good time -and I loved the 6 things about yourself! Too funny!
Can't wait to see this. Lila loved it too! The previews looked great.
It's on the list. Glad you had fun!!!
I saw it the very first weekend it came out, and had a lot of fun! Although I didn't like to see the scene of chiquitita for some reason, but I love everything else alot! specially Pierce Brosnan and my Mr Darcy (Colin Flirth)
Oh yes, I love it!!!
I've seen it twice! I'd go again in a heartbeat.(And I am no push-over to like a movie!)
It is a visual treat and makes my heart sing....pure delight! (I'm a Colin Firth groupie...I did like Pierce Brosnan in "THE NEPHEW", he directed it too and it was made in Ireland!)
I can't get anyone to go with me. Most of my friends have seen the play and now the movie. I tried to get Miss Priss to see with me yesterday (Sunday) and she said.."can't you get some of your OLD friends to go with you??" UGHHGHG! Ha!
She has no interest in seeing it.....my husband said he would go one day with me but...I know he's going to hate it. HA!
Oh well....I will go at some point.
Glad your doing good.......see ya!
I want to put this on a list of 'Films I Want to Rent.' I never go to the theater anymore, except a very once in a very long while. ,-)
Oh how lucky that you went to Greece on your honeymoon. Oh sigh, I'd love to see Greece and the isles.
Miss Mari-Nanci
When Twilight Embraces
I have heard nothing but good things about this movie. I can't wait to see it.
I have that movie on my "must-see" list! I just might take myself to a little matinee this afternoon. :-)
My friend went to see the show of Mamma Mia in London last week and she absolutely loved it. I have to confess that Abba have never done a thing for me but maybe I'd feel differently if I actually saw the film or the show.
I have heard this was good, and would really love to see it, but alas, my hubby doesn't. I guess I'll wait til' it comes out on dvd.
I haven't seen the movie yet but it is on my list to see it. It looks like a lot of fun. I love both Meryl Strep and Julie Walters. Great to see some scenes from the movie.
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