Do you ever get something stuck in your head in a certain way and you can never get it right after that? To me, the name of the painting above, by Jane Starr Weils, should be "Celtic Lady at the Crossroads."
By looking at the design on her robes and the Celtic knot in the tree branches, you can see why I'd get the "Celtic Lady" part. But since she's walking down a straight path, why would I think she is at a crossroads? Because Weils painted this image especially for the cover of the "Crossroads" CD by Greene Lady Music.
This painting epitomizes what I think about when I visualize myself as a Celtic Lady (only with the golden brown hair of my youth). She's fey, magickal, mystical, mysterious, romantic, a child of nature, unafraid, whimsical and adventurous. She can see the fae, play the flute, talk to the animals and birds, enchant young men and raise the wind and the waves. She can dance in the woods and visit an isle unseen by the normal world.
She wears the clothes I would love to wear in a time and place I would have loved to inhabit (what place? England, of course). She is the age my inner Celtic Lady is, and oh yes, she is pretty.
And as I do consider myself to be at a crossroads at the moment, this painting is very appropriate to publish today.
All this is a very roundabout way of saying I am not sure of the direction this blog is heading and I plan to take a break for a while. I have art projects to complete, and life issues that must be dealt with.
But the bottom line is, blogging is no longer fun for me. You can tell by the way my output of posts has plummeted. In 2007, I wrote about 265 posts. This year, I've written barely 1/4 that number with only four months to go in 2008.
I also desperately need to get off the hamster wheel that is commenting. It has become a chore rather than a pleasure. And I see that it is tit for tat. If I don't comment, I don't get many comments. I am going to be brave and tell myself I don't care if I get 5 or 50 comments.
Don't get me wrong, I love comments! But I can't expect you to comment if I'm not commenting. I'll still continue to follow your blogs, and if I see something that really moves me, I will comment, but I won't feel as if I MUST.
Like another blogging friend who has gotten off the hamster wheel (she went a step further and disabled comments!), I will miss the camaraderie of the people I've gotten to know. I have made some very dear friends in the past 20 months - some dearer to me than my local friends.
I don't want to lose contact with you. That's why I would love to hear from you via e-mail. If you don't have my e-mail, comment here and I'll send it to you (there's that comments thing again).
So, before I go, I'll leave you with more art work by my favorite Celtic/Fantasy artist.
This one is reproduced as a thumbnail on my sidebar.
Jenna must be Green Lady's sister, they're so alike in looks, dress and manner!
How appropriate to have this September painting in a post written in September.
This is one of Weil's faeries. I love her intricate costume. To see more of her art, go to: http://www.janestarrweils.com/printgallery/index.htm
Many of these pieces are for sale in her gift shop. An 11 x 16 inch "Green Lady" print is available for just $4.99. I think that is a fabulously low price. I purchased it and it is sitting on my computer desk.
Many of these pieces are for sale in her gift shop. An 11 x 16 inch "Green Lady" print is available for just $4.99. I think that is a fabulously low price. I purchased it and it is sitting on my computer desk.
Her online shop also features 8x10 prints, journals, cards, and much more.
Weils places her art in a number of categories, including the above mentioned Celtic and Faeries, as well as Medieval; Fantasy; Dragons, Unicorns and Creatures; Zodiac; Romantic; Magickal; and Mermaids and Water Spirits.
I have saved a few of Weil's images and will feature them in posts later this fall or winter. Yes, I will be back, "if the Lord's willing and the creek don't rise." Ta ta for now!
Hi Julie,
I truly love reading your blog and will miss the scope, content and and beautiful, inspiring artwork.
Although I haven't commented regularly of late it was due to a technical problem.
Good luck with your art endeavors and your personal issues. I am missing you and the blog already !
Thanks for the great time you have given to me and to all of us. You truly are one of a kind, Julie. AND I hope it will be possible for you to return to us once again in blogland once again. Janice
P.S. I would dearly love to keep in contact with you via email. Thanks again for all you have given. Janice
I too will miss you. I love the 1st painting. It really speaks to me too! I am feeling at a crossroads too!Not sure what I want to do next and so forth.
I hope I see you back here sometime soon.
I have fairly recently found your blog - and (no pressure) I will definitely miss you. I find you to be a kindred soul in many ways - and those are hard to come by. My blog is more traditional and I'm beginning to think that I might be changing it - or starting a separate one - now wouldn't that put me on the "hamster wheel" - I have enough trouble getting to my quilting and family blog.
But I do adore your blog - and when it comes up on my bloglines feed I always save it for last - so I can savor the wonders that you post.
Thank you - and please know I'll be thinking of you until (and if) you are able to come back to blogland. Take care -
Smooth roads and sweet music!!
Waving to you, Dear Friend...
Having taken this path a bit sooner than you... I happily stop and wait for you... So I can take your hand... And we can both travel down this new path.
May we both find our own contentment, in our Blogging Life.
Because through all my Blogging Life questions and confusions and decisions, I still maintain that our own personal contentment, is the main goal. And should be our main guiding light.
Hurry... We'll help each other sort all this out. :-) Even as we walk our own separate paths.
Gentle hugs,
Miss Mari-Nanci
I will miss your blog Julie. I know what you mean though about the blogging. Sometimes I don't know why I bother I have so few people that read me, but I still hang in there because I enjoy doing it. Maybe you will change your mind and come back again down the road. In the meantime I have your email, so please stay in touch. I hope you will stop in to my blog and read about my adventures in Gettysburg. I will be up there on the 21 for a few days and I am hoping to come back with some fun photos of the history and a few "ghost"
I will miss you but I totally understand. My blog is my scrapbook - something for my grandkids to have and a way for me to look back and reflect on the great life I have been blessed with. However, if I ever feel it is a chore, or one more thing I feel guilty about if I don't do- I too will take a break. I have enjoyed meeting you and hope to someday "talk" to you again.
Take care!
Good luck, Julie. I have only recently met you and I have loved your posts as well as your remarks to those who post and even when you commented on my blog. I do understand. And as much as I love to have comments, I try to remember that the purpose of my blog was for my own need for expression.
I have your email, and I hope to stay in touch with you. I have a similar love for England, romantic and unrealistic, but I see it in the same sort of soft, lovely hazy manner of the pictures you post. Cottages, mists, beautiful strong women in lovely garb.
I hope you accomplish everything you are hoping to and get some personal time to deal with whatever.
Thanks again for all the fabulous effort you took to make your blog such a wonderful place to visit. I certainly will miss you.
you know me by now you can NOT get ridd off me that easily, LOL
I agree with you about the comments and the human ego.
I read about 60 blogs but I can not leaving comments to all.
I think I have learned the "game" after all of these years.
I disable comments sometimes.
Also when i do wish only to express something more private in order to heal...
My blog is the best thing ever happened to me.
You are a wonderful friend.
I hope your heart knows how much I love you.
Dearest Julie,
It saddens me to learn that you will no longer be blogging...but of course I can understand as well. I've learned to ease off on how many hours a day I spend reading the +100 blogs I have on my Bloglines and commenting. I can no longer comment on every blog every day and although I used to feel guilty about it, I'm at peace with myself now:-) I didn't want blogging becoming a chore to me and that's why I cut back a lot. Some days I don't even have time to read any blogs and it's ok:-) Please do keep in touch with me!! xoxo
Aw... I suppose I'm one of the people who's been less present than I used to be. Simply being away from the internet a lot of the time this summer, and then, since I've started to read blogs on bloglines, I don't always click over to post a comment even when i have read posts. I think a lot of people reach a stage where they want a break, but I'm happy to see you say you will be back. I've always enjoyed the beautiful pictures you winkle out to show us. Thanks for all of it. See you soon again.
Julie you will be missed while you are not blogging!
I'm glad I'll be in touch through e-mail...and that you will be back one day!
I read your blog because you inspire me. But if it isn't fun for you, then you have to do what's best for Julie. You have my email, right?
The images are fabulous. I love September. You know how much we will miss your posts....but take your time. Sending love
Julie, I will miss You …..
I have always enjoyed my time here and reading your blog…
What lovely art work, I was not aware of this artist and her work..
Thank you for the link…
Hi Julie, I respect yuor decision, but will be another who misses your gentle blog. I have noticed blogland has become very quiet too, I get very few comments these days either, although the hit counter is recording more hits than ever. I guess everyone is too rushed to be able to stop and comment, I know that applies to me some days, my life is complicated as you know,I dont know if i am coming or going lately.
I wish you well, I know your life issues are complicated like mine, and i hope we continue to correspond as we have done over the last year.
bright blessings to you Julie
Leanne x
I will miss reading your blog. Though I don't always comment, I always read.
I firmly believe that once blogging becomes a chore, you should stop. We all have so many other demands placed on us in life and a voluntary blog shouldn't be another of them!
I feel the same way you do about commenting ~ at first it kinda bothered me that I didn't get as many comments as I'd like, but then I realized that sometimes people just have thoughts that can't be put into words and that's okay. I also felt bad about not including as many pictures as other bloggers to ~ I got over that, too.
I'll miss your blog, but I understand your reasons for taking a step back. So please check in from time to time and let me know you're doing okay.
I understand how you feel about blogging Julie, having cut back a lot myself. I will keep in touch, and hope you will find your way to post now and then, and share some of your insight with us.
What wonderful art..
I hope you are doing well my friend..
fondly, deena
Take some time off if you need to. Blogs are alot of work at times and also the readers get weird at times.
I have noticed alot of various odd blog behavior through the years.....and probably did something myself once at least.....whoops!
Sorry it's taken me so long to write you...just remember that I live in Louisiana and we've had major hurricane drama down here.
We just get through one and then have another..and I'm WORN out like alot of folks down here from it all.
Just the raw emotions of it all is enough to deal with. We got hit pretty hard in Baton Rouge, with Gustav.....but not as bad as this Ike has hit everyone in So. West Louisiana and Texas...Whew.......very sad.
Talk to you soon......
Anyhow.....I will try to e-mail you when I get a few moments.
Hope all is well otherwise.
I'll miss you too, I haven't been around much either, and haven't had much to say. I love your blog and all the art work. Hope I'll see you around.
Love Jo x
Dearest Julie, like you, and several other blog friends, I too am feeling somewhat swamped and keep saying I will have to either close my blog or just post every now and then. There's no way I can keep up with all the comments and still have a life away from the computer. Also, I seem to have a lot of problems with Blogger and my ISP lately, making posting so redious.
Many other aspects of my life have been suffering too - like housework, and art projects. Now I'm back to buying expensive cards because I don't have time to make them - smething I loved doing - so I know things have to change.
I've decided that the month away in France will probably be the turning point. Of course I plan to take a lot of photos and some I'll try to share, but after that I think I'll wind down. I notice now there are too many 'awards', special days of specific subject posts etc. They are becoming another thing to fret over because I feel terrible when I can't respond to all the comments left by newcomers. For example, 'Pink Saturday' where 97 people participated last week!!!!
So dear friend, I'll miss stopping by to see the loveliness on your blog - I've even had to lurk sometimes because I just had no time to comment. Bob and I speak of you often though - hope all is well with you and Dan. I will try to e-mail you one of these days - so busy right now getting ready for the trip, also a load of family stuff going on.
Sleep well my dear - know you are are in my prayers and thoughts.
Fondly, Mary.
Yes indeed, that is a nasty hamster wheel. I was on it myself too. Jump off a while back and felt like I was jumping off of a high board over an empty pool. Changed up my blog, and changed up some of the relationships. End result - big drop in comments unless I posted to TOP or OSI or SS. You get the idea. But I don't mind. I'm having more fun with my blog and focusing more on my Bucket list of projects.
So don't be afraid Julie. It's all about change. Do something different or don't do anything at all for a while. The view from the high board may seem intimidating but the arrival at a new destination might prove very interesting.
Big Bear Hugs,
Hi Julie!
My blogging truly has been a fascinating journey and You have been a very special part of it. I am saddened by your stepping back, while simultaneously understanding.
I seem to be taking more frequent pauses to evaluate my life and involvement in things. There are many changes taking place for me as well. I entered blogging on the wings of miracles that were basically placing an upturned life, right side up. And, the changes continue...
I have had many commitments lately that have allowed me to manage short posts, but not the luxury of visiting the way I was used to. I was even in the routine of returning comments when they were posted on my blog. I've noticed that others have become busy and so my own routine shifted accordingly.
I was speaking with Miss Shabby in Kentucky. Both of us agreed that we are not click followers but ladies who enjoy the company of those that we have been fortunate to connect with. I don't really care about popularity. I just want honest, heartfelt rapport with interesting people. Truth be told, my largest volume of visitors have come when I participated in huge Giveaways—and then the numbers quickly dropped off. Even then, I had some nice encounters.
I would love to keep in touch by email. I enjoy your writing and frank style of communicating. I also count you as friend.
No tit for tat here, my friend. I like to think that each conversation just places a comma in the our relationship until one of us picks up at that point.
Ginormous Hugs, KJ
I will miss seeing your gorgeous art work. I have you on my favorites and when I am feeling especially down I come here to be soothed by all the wonderful images. I don't comment and I have no blog I am just a viewer.
Peace to you on your path.
I might have left this comment but not sure so I will re-do.
I will miss your gorgeous artwork. I don't have a blog or comment usually. I just wanted to thank you for brightening my days when I was feeling down. I will keep you on my favorites so I can come back and be soothed by the lovely images.
Peace to you on your path.
Julie, I understand that you are burned out...I am not one to be on line all the time. If you can just take a break...I get it, but Gosh, I will miss you forever if you leave. I love you, and your wonderful heart! Your, Mary
Missing you!!!
so beautiful...
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