I didn't plan on having a blog break but - after not blogging for two weeks - I guess I did! Now, Miss Mari-Nanci ("smilnsigh") has told me I must update my blog, and I always obey a direct order from MISS M-N!
The scan above is of a set of pages I did for an altered books round robin. I happen to know that the owner of this particular book loves pink. As I selected pink images, I realized they were about summer delights. And that brought to mind the post Daisy Lupin wrote in June 2007 about planning to have a juicy, greedy summer of personal delights. Sadly, Daisy died not long after writing that post.
I decided to make a collage featuring Daisy's words, summer themes, and bubble gum and hot pink colors contrasted with a cool refreshing green. I also added the word "luscious" because I have the incorrect and indelible notion that it was included in Daisy's quote!
The quote and Daisy's name are written on pink tags hung with green ribbon. The tags hide part of the words "summer" and "wild", and the plastic flamingoes' heads. I was on a roll after these two pages and went on to do a bunch more in pink as well as my favorite colors: lavender, blue and green.
So why haven't I been blogging? I guess I have been trying to fulfill my pledge to honor Daisy's dream of a perfect summer. My personal delights include:
Enjoying big glasses of lemonade with lots of ice cubes, and the occasional, more expensive treat of a hazelnut Italian soda or fruit smoothie.
Eating fresh peaches, cherries and watermelon, and letting the juices drip down my chin.
Barbecuing every chance we get. Some kind of meat, of course, and my husband's Famous Fredericken Potatoes wrapped in tin foil. Although he won't eat it, I like this veggie side:
Chop up some small zucchini, the long yellow squash (name??), some onion, and some red and yellow peppers (or green if you prefer). Marinate in a marinade made from a dry Italian salad dressing mix. This doesn't take long on the grill, so don't over cook!
Being a moongazy girl under the ripe summer moons.
Stopping to soak in the view just before I go inside to work. The building I work in sits atop one of the highest hills in Bismarck. From there, one can see the hills unrolling south of town. Depending on the light and weather conditions, the hills are shadowed a beautiful blue or wreathed in mist.
I'm excited for our department's move the first week of August. We will no longer be on the highest heights, but we will be in a gorgeous new building with an entire wall of glass that overlooks a stunning, panoramic view of the Missouri River valley.
Taking time to smell the (neighbor's) flowers. Because of my carpal tunnel syndrome, I have only a few planters on my deck this year, but I've been thoroughly enjoying other people's gardens. I must brag, however, that my roses were astounding this summer. I grow hardy Canadian roses, perfect for our harsh ND climate. My William Baffin climbing rose, which is (supposed to be) trained over the front arbor, went berserk in June. I think the mailman could have used a machete to make it to our front door!
Reading - a lot. I find that my ancient eyes work much better in natural light so I'm going to read as much as I can while the days are long. I'm usually on my deck (see below). Unfortunately, the books' pages are prone to being smeared with food and/or mud from the dogs. (Read a page, throw the ball; read a page, throw the ball.)
Sitting on the deck under our venerable American Elm tree, one of the largest elms in Bismarck. Its canopy covers half our yard, and gives us shady relief from the blazing sun setting in the west. Its leaf cover is so thick that if it is raining lightly, we don't even feel the drops.
Trying to appreciate the turkey buzzards, or turkey vultures. A couple of years ago, they came in from their natural habitat along the Missouri River and now roost on the water tower in our neighborhood, and in the trees on the corner. I really hated to have them around. They gave me the heebie jeebies (a la "The Birds") and they are scavengers who also - erm - poop on their legs to cool them off when they are hot. Yish, as Mari-Nancy would say.
Some of my blogging friends who love birds have told me that buzzards are wonderful, necessary creatures, so I have been trying to like them, and honestly, I have enjoyed seeing them swoop and soar on the evening air currents. They have a long wingspan and look very graceful, from a distance. All was well until the other night, when the two pre-teen girls playing next door spotted them. "Ooh, the tower buzzards," they screeched. "They're creepy!" Yeah, girls, I hear ya.
I too had noticed you were not blogging. Of course, leaving the blog about your daughter was a nice tribute!LOL!
So good to be updated on your life now! Keep enjoying the juicy fruits of summer!
I was looking at the page again.
You have really captured summer fun! I love the woman in the sundress with the picnic basket!!!
So glad you updated ~ and what a wonderful one!!
Beautiful page you did with all those pinks and lovely words from Daisy.
Glad you are enjoying summer, it seems to slip aways earlier every year...
I enjoyed reading your summery post. I can't abide the heat, so I find little to appreciate until fall. But your words made me recall summers of my childhood.
Glad to see you back, I missed reading here.
I'm so glad you're back. I was beginning to worry if you were OK.
Love your summer post.
I love it too! specially the words ;-)
Hoping you are ok, I am allright, I started FINALLY to play again!
Love and hugs!
Julie, I loved reading about your warm and wonderful summer! I'd hoped you were enjoying yourself even though I've missed you :O)
Enjoy every day under that tree! I'll stop back to see what you're up too.
It sounds like you are doing Daisy justice and thoroughly enjoying your summer. I think summer is the perfect time to take a blogging break....I've been doing that, too.
Your collage is just wonderful. I'm sure Daisy would love it.
Well there you are!! I was starting to wonder where you had gotten to:-) Glad to hear you've been enjoying the summer days to the fullest...I think we all need such breaks and just enjoy life on the outside of the computer!! I just love the altered art you've been working on, Daisy would have been very touched. xoxo
Well my dear I have wondered where you disappered to! I thought perhaps you ran off with the fairie folk to the edge of the ancient forest!
Good to hear that you have taken time to enjoy the summer breezes with a glass of lemonade and a good book and laps from the dogs.If I know dogs any crumbs smeared or dropped are little treats for them.
This is a time when I sit by my pond and many times think of Daisy..particularly when I take photos of my fairies to publish on a post! There have been several that you missed.
Continue to allow the sun to warm your face and absorb all that Vit D and continue to feel the warm breezes in your hair. hugs NG
Hi Julie :)
First off....THE book came today!!! And what a wonderful surprise to find the lovely herb book too!!! Thank you SO much. I`m going to dig into these soon and I know what my next post will be :)
Your altered book is wonderful and so nice a dedication to the memory of Daisy. I miss her :(
Your lucky to have good flower growing weather. Some of mine are okay and some still not bloomed and the roses started out great and are now no longer growing and blooming because we`ve had a record breaking raining spring and summer. I`ve only had to water my garden twice!!
Yessssssss.. she has posted! -grin-
But you can take a blogging break any time your heart desires. Just, maybe, tell us ahead of time? Or during...?
I know, I'm never satisfied.
Glad you're having all those wonderful summertime experiences and really paying attention to them and enjoying them.
Mmmmm, methinks I might be feeling a break coming on myself.... Sure have been taking one, from commenting. Which is a breakthrough for me 'cause I'm stupid and feel obligated to comment. Yishhhhhhhhh Gotta break myself of that! -sigh-
But welcome back. But keep right on enjoying too. :-)
Miss Mari-Nanci
When Twilight Embraces
Julie so glad you are enjoying summer. You have done some beautiful work in the altered books. Love juicy cherries and veggies cooked on the grill.The descriptions of the views, your elm, and the tower buzzards all tell a story both on and between the lines.
love you
Sounds perfect so far! The page you have completed is sooo pretty. I know we all need breaks, but you ARE missed!
I love your wonderful summer. We bought a new (to us) house this past winter and are learning all of its facets this summer - like when the sun goes behind the trees each day - where the fairies like to hide in the yard - how many deer can be in the yard at one time before someone becomes possessive of the yard - a fabulous summer.
I have, so far, mostly read quilting blogs, as I am a quilter - and somehow I stumbled upon yours and find it absolutely delightful. It has an element that most quilting blogs don't have and I love it.
In our new house we have a huge empty wall that needs a fairy painting and your blog has been an added inspiration to begin the design for it - flower fairies, baby fairies sleeping in flowers, butterflies and dragonflies - oh the possibilities. Thank you for your blog
I just kept coming by and coming by....today you where at home, so here I am to say, I really like your collage page, it is sweet, I know Daisy is smiling.
I don't post as often as I should, but sometimes I am just living my life.....you were missed!
Hugs, mary
I am working on a project right now that I hope to share soon.
Julie! buzzards.. you were surprised when I said i love the buzzards here, and you told me then you thought they were creepy but you would try to appreciate yours more!. I was assuming we had the same sort of buzzards but no, I know now we dont!! I had to look up 'turkey buzzard' you mentioned in this post, and that is a type of vulture. My buzzards here in Somerset. UK are much more beautiful, here's a link...you may need to copy and paste if the link doesnt work...
Hope you are well btw!
leanne x
You weren't blogging? (snork-snork) I am reminded of dialog between Og and Sharon in Finian's Rainbow...
Sharon McLonergan: Do you feel a warmish, kind of glowish, peculiarish sensation?
Og: No... it's a sort of quiverish, shiverish, flibberty-gibberish sensation!
Sharon McLonergan: Does it make you feel hummingbirds in your heart?
Og: Butterflies in my feet!
Sharon McLonergan: Bees in your bonnet!
Og: [dancing] Stars in my britches!
Sharon McLonergan: It makes you want to dance!
Og: [falls over] I hadn't noticed.
Well, I think we all noticed that Julie was probably out drinking Italian sodas and "soaking up life, down to [her] toes." (from Mame) It sounds like you had great fun! Your BBQ squash sounds delish! (Is it called banana squash?)
It's so nice to have your special brand of "seeing life" back on these pages. And speaking of pages, your altered book turned how fantastic! I am going to be sponsoring an ATC Swap on my blog soon. I hope you will participate.
Continue your "JUICY, GREEDY SUMMER OF PERSONAL DELIGHTS." And keep sharing...
Your birds do what to keep cool *!* Well It's reassuring to know that your elm tree will catch any surplus leg cooling liquid that missed the target ;)
Enjoy more of the delights making up your perfect summer *!*
Hi Julie! Your blogging break sounds absolutely divine! Good for you! Life is too short not to enjoy it to its fullest. Love your altered pages too!
What a lovely summer you are having, Julie! I enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful things you've been busy with and your summer page is beautiful...I love the pink!
Your summer words bring out the best in summer- I even can visualize the big elm - what a beutiful post - and I agree about the buzzards - ick - but I too am TRYING to appreciate all of God's creatures for what their part in the universe is...
Hi Julie,
Mari-Nanci is very nice isn't she? She has been a real blog pal to me when I've needed my breaks and a wonderful support when I return, too.
I'm glad you are having such a lovely, perfect sounding summertime. Your friend, Daisy Lupin is still missed by a great many people. I think she'd enjoy the thought of you taking her words to heart.
This is an "Off Topic Comment" but...I seem to have lost my knack for posting/commenting in 'Blog Land,' for a while. All I do lately, is put up a few photos, here and there. I didn't plan on it... It just happened.
And since I don't want anyone to think I got *uppity* or anything, :-) I'm leaving this comment, to explain my absence.
I'm sure to be back in not too long. Can't keep a "Chatty Person" quiet, for too long. :-)
Miss Mari-Nanci
Hi Julie! I've been on an unexpected holiday too and just got back myself! It sounds like your having a wonderful summer! I might have to take some of your ideas to heart. Good to see you again !
I loved this post! As I sit here during the waning days of August, it reminds me of those wonderful lazy days that drifted by all too quickly! I found Daisy's blog just a short time after her passing. She was a remarkable lady, wasn't she? I visited her blog to read the old posts for several weeks thereafter because she "spoke" to my heart. Hope your autumn is just as blessed as your wonderful summer! Please visit me sometime at unshelvedwords08.blogspot.com!
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