This is amnesty week - your time to come out of the lurking closet and come clean about your lurking habit - without penalties.

Seriously, all kidding aside, I'd love to know who reads my blog. Since starting "Celtic Woman" almost exactly a year ago, I've found a circle of friends whose blogs I read and who read and comment on mine. If I've given the impression that it's a closed circle, I'm sorry. New friends are always welcome. Let me know who you are so I can read your blog.
The wonderful blogger Daisy Lupin became my friend when she challenged her lurkers to come out in the open. I confessed to being a lurker, and from then on she commented on my blog regularly. I was intimidated by Daisy because she was such a good blogger, but she made me feel important. I doubt very much that I intimidate anyone, but if you're feeling a bit timid about commenting on my blog or anyone else's, I say, "Go for it. What can you lose?" And you can gain some great new friends.
Durn, Julie. You have me shakin' in mah shooze. tee-hee from annie who is feeling very very silly. Hugs from the ELF
Gotta love those Delurking buttons! hehe You're more than welcome for the heads up on it being delurking week, I almost missed it myself!! According to my site meter, I get over 172 people a day who visit my blog...wouldn't that be something if every one of them commented?!! As you say, so many wonderful friendships have been started by simply leaving a comment:-) xoxo
I've been enjoying your blog lately. I'm in to Celtic things, so the name of your blog was what initially interested me. Yeah, I'm a lurker...
Hey Julie, You already know I read, but I will take a minute to say hi, since I lurk more than I comment *grin*. I am on bloglines and have 100 blogs that I keep up with. Unfortuantly if I comment every time someone updates then I would never have time to read, or work or sleep. I think I will post the buttons though just for fun to see if I can meet anyone new, since I have about 20 people who are listed as reading me but only hear from a handful like most people.
When I first discovered blogs I was a lurker for quite awhile until I finally got the nerve to comment....then it was full-speed ahead!
Hi Julie- I Dont Lurk!! :-)
leanne x
Not feeling intimidated JulieMarie:) but have almost reached the stage of being a lurker on everyone's blogs in the last few weeks - including my own! There seems to be a general lack of posts and comments, maybe everyone is hibernating. I'm trying to mend my ways again now anyway.
Those Delurking buttons are a riot!
Throw me a bone...I know I've felt like that after writing a post, pouring my heart out and then next day 0 comments!
Oh I lurked and didn't comment on your acupuncture post...Was headed back there to comment when I read this one!BTW So happy to hear that you went for the treatment..
Ohh yeah... The constant issue of lurking. In many parts of the Net.
I used to belong to Mailing Lists 'back in the day.' {anyone remember the term 'mailing lists'?} On one, I remember getting all huffy at times... Because a few of us {especially 'yours truly' and a charming Italian man} used to post all the time and keep running fun/frivolity going. Well, it was fun, but it also felt like we were on a stage and couldn't see the audience. The audience being many of the other people,yppcqyd who belonged to the mailing list, but didn't participate. -pout-
So, the issue of lurking is not a new one to me!
But of course, I take not-lurking to the opposite extreme of course. Duhhhh me. :-( So I have a fit if I don't read/comment in everyone who comments in my blogs. A fit! Duhhh... I get all sad and embarrassed and feel I'm a "horrible" person. And that is going too far, in the other direction.
I'm now trying to find a happy medium. Wish me luck.
I was one of those that read your blog for awhile before I said Hi...
so here is another very big HI and a Thank you for all the information you share.
What if I post it and no one comments? *tears at her hair*
*laughs* delurking here.
Ok, so I'm busted. I'm a lurker. I don't remember how I stumbled across your blog but I have been reading it for a few months. I like the information you post and emphasize with needing/wanting to work and having carpel tunnel symdrome. I'm up here in New Brunswick, Canada. cheers!
LOL! Okay - I'm not sure that I have ever left you a comment ... Sorry for that! Here I am standing before you and glad that I am. I love your delurking post and those pictures/captions! Too cute!
I know there are lurkers on my blog also - I understand - wish they would comment also.
Alrighty - I'm putting you on my friends list and hope you will come visit me!
Well done Julie, you have encouraged a few people to come out of the shadows..!
I get far more visitors than comments, but lately haven't been doing much myself..
Lurk, lurk! :)
I'm not a lurker but wanted to stop in and say hi. :0)
I love reading your blog and you are a sweet friend.
I love it!
Lurkers caused Daisy no end of frustration..
I really do always try to comment when I visit.. every one loves comments me thinks :)
ps - so glad Daisy 'outed' you xoxo
Hi Julie! I found your link on Janet's site. So I wasn't a lurker before, but I am now. It's nice to meet you ! I'll be back.
Good luck!
Inspire and change.
I think lately I have been a lurker, but with good reason ~ working, school and taking care of two households can really take up a lot of time! I do read your blog on a regular basis and always smile. I'll try to fit in some de-lurking time.
Thats a hoot ~ but yet I do admit to lurking now and then!
Sending hugs))
You winkled out a few lurkers there. Do I qualify if I don't comment on every post I read? Probably! Well, I always enjoy coming by here.
Hey Julie :D
I forgot about delurking week!
That is weird to me, to read and not comment. I love to meet new people though.
I remember Daisy's blog well...she did have a good one.
Yours is great too!
Hope you are having a good new year.
You know I'm not a lurker Julie! For the past week I just don't seem to have enough time to leave the comments I would like, plus I owe you an e-mail big time! I just cannot keep up with all the wonderful blog friends I've made - what's a gal to do??????
Bob and I have both had colds, but in between blowing our noses, we have mentioned YOU and hope that things are going better for your hands. I'll write soon, promise.
Hugs - Mary.
you know, I could have sworn that I commented here... ahh well stranger things have happened.
what I wanted to say was that I knew how much lurkers drove Daisy insane, she emailed me many times about it.. ... and I am so glad that she 'outed' you!
I'm not lurking, I'm just new here!
Looks like an interesting place to be.
I almost always try to leave a comment when I visit a blog. I know how much work blogging actually is.
Hi Julie,
Just browsing around and found your very inspiring blog! Wonderful!!!!
Didn't I pick the right day to come back for a visit! I have been a little behind in some of my visits this past month!
Hi Julie ~ love your painting for the month of January. I believe the painter is Harrison Fisher.
I'm turning into a lurker now...I came to see if you had a new post
but no....so if I don't comment about that I'll be a lurker...so throw us a bone Julie gives us a new post LOL!!!
Hiya Julie...I feel guilty. I'm not a lurker as I do comment sometimes... but read on a regular basis. I think the thing is I have so little spare time and have so many to read I get over excited and the 'intention' is to go back and make a comment....but then time goes so quickly and before I know it....2 or 3 hours have passed. So I'm here. Saying a great big HELLLLOOOOO and to thank you for commenting on my blog on a regular basis 'without' needing excuses as to why you haven't.
Thank you for being a friend!
Love Suexxxx
I am a lurker. You have a gloriously beautiful blog and I am always here looking around. I am very bad about commenting and I'm taking the time to visit blogs and comment today.
Just found your blog, not lurking :-)
I've just found your blog, not lerking :-)
I'm not a lurker, you know it Dear :) As always - send you bunch of kisses from Poland! :)
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