Sunday, June 24, 2012


"Celtic Lady of the Lake" by Mary McAndrew

It's almost time for my Enchanted Souls party, but I still haven't decided which enchanted soul shape to take. Sometimes, I am the Celtic Lady of the Lake. But most of the time, I am The Green-Eyed Lady, Ocean Lady:

"Green-eyed lady, windswept lady, rules the night, the waves, the sand/Green-eyed lady, ocean lady, child of nature, friend of man/. . . Green-eyed lady, ocean lady, soothing every raging storm that comes."  (For the complete version, go to the bottom of this page.)

But since I am holding my party in the wildwood, or Enchanted Forest, I shall assume the guise of the Lady of the Forest. However, there is not one buy many incarnations of the Lady of the Forest.

"Lady of the Forest" by Michael Hague

I could appear as the lady above, but even though I have enough years to qualify as a crone, I do not wish to look like a crone.

"Lady of the Forest" by Ravensburger
I am a woman who runs with the wolves, but I do not wish to appear as a blonde, as that is so far from my true nature.

"Lady of the Forest" by Aurelia Isabella

This image is very close. Oh, that gorgeous green dress. But no, I shall keep looking.

"Lady of the Forest" by Amy Brown

This lady of the forest is so gorgeous, with her long-flowing hair, just the right color, and her leafy dress. But there will be many winged fairies at my party, and I do not wish to outshine their plumage.


"Lady of the Forest" by Jana Prosivirina

Hmm, she, too, is close, but the antlers may scare some party goers away, and besides, a lady should not wear a mask at her own party.

"Lady of the Forest" by Julie L. Hoddinott
Oh, no! This will not do. I am too shy to appear naked, even if my only audience is butterflies and foxes.

"Lady of the Forest" by Sally Omar

Oops, another blonde. But I do love the cape!

"Lady of the Greenwood" by Morgaine duMer

Her dress is great, but her hair is too red.

"Lady of the Forest" by Lauren Kelly Small

Now I'm down to the last two. I love this one's hair, her flowing skirt, her staff, the attentive fox and all the butterflies. Also, she is by water, so fitting for an ocean lady or lady of the lake.

"Lady of the Forest", by Ann Gates Fiser

Oh, it is so hard to decide. But this one's hair is just right, and the Lady of the Forest should wear a nature wreath at her own party, right? Perhaps I will appear as both - in the strapless gown in the early evening, while it is still quite warm, and then switch to the warmer costume as the evening cools.

At last, I am ready. Now I must complete the party preparations. It's not too late for you to come! See you there!

"When the sun goes down
In the forest so deep
Moss draped over her body
The Lady Of The Forest wakes from her sleep
Walking between the trees
With a breeze against her back
She knows the forest
And always keeps on track
Those who have seen her
Speak of her face
They say it is so beautiful
It looks like delicate lace
Her hair is golden brown
And floats around her shoulders
She walks through the grass
And over the large boulders
She is an amazing vision
An aura of peace and love
Oftentimes as she passes
There is the cooing of doves
Alone she walks each evening
No one to walk by her side
Walking slowly in the breeze
In the daytime she does hide
A spirit of nature
Alone is her destiny
She watches over the small animals
The birds and the trees
She dances for Mother Nature
In the sun and in the rain
Gently swaying back and forth
And back and forth again
From the forest there can be heard
A sweet melodious song
Almost as if a whisper
Through the trees all night long
The Lady of the Forest
As the sun does rise
Goes to her bed of leaves
And closes her beautiful hazel eyes."

By Sally Omar

(with one small alteration to the lady's hair color!)

1 comment:

  1. The Navajo tell of one they call "Asdz nádleehé" (Changing Woman) -- maybe that's who you are?
