Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Well, this has been an exciting few days, what with my Enchanted Souls/Birthday party. I am quite exhausted, but I wanted to show you the attendees who are also my blogging pals.
The fairy above is my longtime pal Joanne. She has several blogs, including Pieceful Afternoon
and Scene Through My Eyes.She brought along this poem as my gift: 
(Robert Graves)

Children born of fairy stock
ever need for shirt or frock,
Never want for food or fire,
Always get their hearts' desire:
Jingle pockets full of gold,
Marry when they're seven years old.
Every fairy child may keep
Two strong ponies and ten sheep;
All have houses, each his own,
Built of brick or granite stone;
They live on cherries, they run wild --
I'd love to be a fairy's child.
When Joanne is in her fairy guise she spends long hours and delightful days with friends who are fairies and birds - in the trees and fields with the flowers.

Above you see Mary Evans as the Moon Fairy. She is another long-time blogging pal of mine.
She wrote and brought the following poem:
"I see the moon and the moon sees me.
I am a moon Fairy. I live at the top of
the world where the moon is so close
you feel like you can touch it. I live in
a small ice cave where it is warmed by
the breath of my family. When the sun
goes down and the Moon comes high in
the night sky, we bath in the light. I am
a moon Fairy with a moon beam that
guides me in the dark of night. I see the
moon and the moon sees me."

by Mary Evans, "Back of the Moon"
"Reclining Mermaid" by Brittany Headley
Brittany is a new acquaintance of mine, and sure to become a friend! What a talented artist she is.
"Morgan Le Fay" by Amy Brown
Morgaine is another new friend, but she tells me that she has been following my blog a long time. Thanks for all your good wishes and welcome aboard!

And then you have my blogging friend WOL, from The Owl Underground. She came as a combination of a Moongazy Lady and an Owl. She told me there's a story behind these images, but  the story wasn't quite ready when she came to my party.

Sigh, I wish more of my blogging friends had come to my party, but I know they are busy with summer, and I haven't been good at staying in touch with them either.

Tomorrow I'll write about the party.


  1. I have read you article and i am very inspired form your ideas so please keep up dating your blog..

  2. Lovely beginnning to a party!!! Love the photos and poems.

  3. Thank You Julie, this was fun! I wish more had come to the party...Hugs, your Mary
