Saturday, February 2, 2008


Today is Imbolc on the Celtic wheel of the year, or Candlemas on the Christian calendar, depending on which you observe. I was going to write a post about it, but disovered that Autumn has written not one but seven terrific posts about it and about St. Brigid's Day, which was yesterday. (Also celebrated as Goddess Brigid.) I can't improve on perfection, so instead I'm providing you with the link to her blog:

Meanwhile, I'll leave you to peruse these lovely images. As you can see, candles, snowdrops and fairies play an import part in Imbolc and St. Brigid's Day.


  1. Sending blessings to you as I light my candles.

  2. Thanks for the link, I will go and read the post...
    When my children were young we would celebrate Candlemas by making beeswax candles to light our way into spring and bake ginger bread just because it's good and smells wonderful with the scent of beeswax.
    I miss those days…...


  3. Beautiful pictures! I'm on my way over to Autumn's blog to read about this.

    Hope you have a great day.

  4. How I LoVe the first image!!
    Your last post was hillarious! Your sense of humor tee hee! So glad you are ok! Men!!! hugs NG

  5. I forgot that it was St. Brigid's Day ~ thank you for the link I love reading stuff like this!

  6. Sending you love & smiles *!*

    I'm glad you are ok from the car accident ... hope your husband has been making up for his error *!*

    ...your February artwork is one of my favourites ... If you find out who the artist was please let me know. I've sort of got the idea of Millais perhaps ?????

  7. Lammas for me.. I am confused again - as usual...

    and I so, so glad you are ok!!

  8. beautiful images
    Lá Fhéile Bríde, and for us in the U.S. Happy Groundhog Day !

  9. I love all the ancient traditions, I'll follow your link over to see what Autumn wrote! I visited Britt-Arnahld from your side bar, she is sharing about Lent in Norway. Interesting too!

  10. I hope that you are feeling much better today!Have you calmed down and forgiven the hubby yet!
    Gorgeous pictures on your blog and I had a visit over to Autumn's blog, my word she did put a lot of work into it,so much information!Well worth a look! Take Care love from Kathyann and the girls
