Monday, October 1, 2012


Stonehenge before day break
(All photos by Dana Fredericksen)
I have been fascinated with Stonehenge ever since I was a girl. I wrote one of my senior term papers on Stonehenge and determined I would go there someday. I'm in my 60s now, and still haven't made it, but recently Dan's brother Scott, his wife Dana, and two of theirs sons, Anders and Erik, visited Stonehenge.

Daybreak at Stonehenge
They were there at one of the most auspicious times of the year - the autumnal equinox. (Other ideal times would be the spring equinox and the solstices, especially, to me, the summer solstice.) I usually write a post at the equinox, but I was having certain medical issues at the time, so I didn't feel like posting. Then my sister-in-law, Dana, sent me these photos and I thought they make for an excellent equinox post.

Druids in the mist
 I love this photo. It seems to be very Arthurian in nature, and mystical, and timeless.

Standing stones before sunup

Waiting for dawn
Another wonderful, wonderful photo.

Sun up



A modern Druidess?

Druid King knighting Erik


Druid King knighting Anders
The two newest Druid knights, their Dad,
Scott, and their pagan guide Keith
My relatives toured England for 10 days, but the purpose of their trip was far more than just a vacation. They were there to "drop off" youngest son Erik at college. And it wasn't just any college - it is The University of Oxford, the oldest English-speaking university in the world.
Erik is a 2012 honors graduate of Harvard University. He won a full ride scholarship to Oxford, very similar to the Rhodes Scholarship. It includes a generous stipend to travel around Europe!

Erik at his Harvard graduation

In attending Oxford, Erik joins the ranks of students which have included 26 British prime ministers, at least 30 other world leaders, 12 saints, religious leaders, nearly innumerable famous writers, composers, notable scientists, mathematicians and philosophers and, yes, a few actors.
Erik, congratulations. We know you are a smart young man and we're positive you will do well as you further pursue your classical education.
Here is a video of some of the sights and sounds Erik will likely be seeing and hearing:
Erik, you already look positively
dapper and "Oxfordian" (word??)


  1. I would love to visit there as well. Also in my 60's, it appears to be an unrealized dream for me,but one never gives up hope.

  2. Sorry to read that you've been unwell Julie - hope that's behind you now.
    Fabulous images from Stonehenge!
    Many congratulations to Erik, I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time at Oxford :o)
    Rose H

  3. Great photos! We drove past Stonehenge on the morning of the Equinox,on our way to a family lunch. I would have waved to Scott, Dana, Anders and Erik!
    Best wishes to Erik as you become an Oxford student, it is my Husbands home town and I know you will love it all. You look very handsome :-)

  4. brilliant photos julie. Its such a magical place, Ive been many times, and never lose that tingle.

    Congratulations to Erik, I hope his experience here in the UK will stay with him always.

    Leanne x

  5. Julie,

    I am curious if they were with a special group because they have Stonehenge marked with ropes where you do not have great access. When I was there in 2006 you couldn't get close. It was still great to be there but then begin closer would be awesome, I went to Avebury also which is down the road a little bit and you have free access to the stones. I got to hug them there and that was incredible. You will get there one day.


  6. Congratulations to Erik!
    The photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing!
    I like th eone of the dawn with the Druidess watching.
    I hope you get to the United Kingdom one day!

  7. Congratulations Erik! I visited Oxford recently as a tourist. I am sure you will love it.

  8. Nice Samhain post - love that image of 'The pyres of Samhain'. Congratulations to your nephew, your family must be really proud of him.
