Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Dale of Aspen Fly Fishing
with Dan's brother Dick

As an early 60th birthday gift for his little brother Scott, Dan arranged a fly fishing expedition during our trip to Aspen. A good friend of Dan's here in Bismarck is the father-in-law of Dale Ratliffe, owner of  Aspen Fly Fishing. Dan called up Dale and set up a morning's fishing on the Roaring Fork River for the three brothers.

Dan's brother Scott with one of his trout

Dan's brother Dick with one of his trout

The brothers caught rainbow trout, brown trout and whitefish. Unfortunately, Dan didn't get a trout. He was only able to fish for only a short time, as the freezing water made his poor ankles "burn". However, he was content to sit in the sun and watch Dale coach his brothers. They report that Dale is an excellent guide and teacher and recommend his services!

Too bad for us that the fish were strictly catch and release, so no fried trout for supper.

Dan had better luck while
golfing with his brothers

Sister-in-law Bonny hiking
Ditch Trail, Snowmass

Meanwhile, my sisters-in-law, Bonny and Dana, went hiking on a trail near The Timbers Lodge in Snowmass, where we stayed.

Magnificent view from
the hiking trail.

Snowmass Valley

Closer view of Snowmass Valley

If you are wondering why there are no photos of me hiking, I was still snoozing in my ultra comfy king-size bed. Besides, there were bear warnings posted, as bears have been seen very close to The Timbers Lodge. I didn't want to be bear bait!