Saturday, June 27, 2009


"EARLY MORNING", Copyright by Naturegirl, 2009
Please pray for my friend, Anna (Nature Girl) of Ontario, Canada. This very week, when she expected to be celebrating five years free of breast cancer, she has learned that she has lymphoma, a cancer involving the cells of the immune system.
So, instead of working with and photographing the flowers in her lovely, sunny garden, she has been thrust into the cold, sterile and scary world of hospitals, clinics and labs.
A couple of years back, when she had ankle surgery, she said she could feel the loving arms of her friends envelop her as she lay on the operating table. She needs those comforting arms around her more than ever. As I think of her, I am visualizing a white, healing light streaming her way.
If there ever was an appropriate name for a blogger and a blog, it's hers: Nature Girl and Nature Trail. Over the years, Anna has taken us along on that trail, a journey of the glories of this natural world. Having gotten to know her through e-mails, I have learned that she is a lovely and gracious lady. She was so kind to me when I lost my Penny last winter.
Most of all, Anna is a strong woman. She not only had to face her breast cancer, but also her husband's and daughter's cancer diagnoses. Anna has beat cancer once and I know she will beat it again.
She is a warrior who, in a post today, said she will again put on her armor and "fight this cancer by choosing to see the possibility of a bright future."
To read the entire post for June 27, 2009, go to:


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Healing thoughts and light headed her way.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this, it's even worse when she was thinking that she had made it through the five years. She will be in my thoughts and healing energy will be sent her way.

  3. Prayers and healing hugs are been sent to Anna. As a fourteen year survivor of double mastectomies, I have walked in her shoes. I will keep her in my prayers.


  4. thoughts and healing energy from the sea, lochs, mountains , islands and glens of Scotland to her.. I have seen others battle with this also and will light a candle for her and send everything I can..

  5. I'm sorry to hear the news of your friend, Anna. I'm sending thoughts and prayers for good health to her.

  6. I will keep your friend in my thoughts most certainly.

  7. healing light from the east will be streaming through her direction...
    my aunt just died of cancer hence i know how hard the battle will be. i'll go to her page and let her know we are praying for her.

  8. Oh my dearest Julie: How deeply touched am I in reading this post and seeing your prayer request for me on your sidebar! How blessed am I for having met you through our blogs.You certainly have been there for me this past a quiet angel.
    Thank you so very much for caring and for your wonderful strong words of hope and encouragement!
    love and light to you dear
    Celtic Lady..hugging you aNNa xoxo

    To ~your readers~ who have commented that you are praying for me..I say a heartfelt "thank you"
    hugs naturegirl

  9. My prayers and loving embrace is with her - I hope she can feel the warmth of love and support like a warm, soft blanket in hospital. Prayers for Anna...

  10. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I will say prayers. Your a good friend ♥

  11. What a beautiful post for our dear Anna. My prayers are and healing thoughts are flying there now.

  12. Julie, what sad news for me to return to. I'm making my way through blogs to catch up and had not reached Anna's yet. Your post for her is so filled with love and warmth - a very good weapon indeed to fight this. I'm going over to my prayerlist right now to post her name.
