Monday, April 6, 2009


Those of you who know that I adore vintage holiday postcards will guess that I have a collection of vintage Easter cards. I do. Easter postcards used to be very reasonably priced so I was able to compile an extensive collection.

I am glad I purchased them when I did, for there are never any postcard vendors at flea markets or antique shops any more. Like so many antiques and collectibles, these wares are now almost exclusively sold on eBay (at higher prices, might I add). What fun it used to be to go to the flea market and pore through the boxes of postcards.

I have cards that run the gamut from religious to secular, and even some in German, this area of the state being settled in great part by Germans from Russia. I have cards featuring bunnies and eggs, spring birds and chicks, and all the flowers associated with Easter, from Easter lilies to daffodils to apple blossoms to passion flowers.

My favorite cards of all are those old German postcards featuring dressed rabbits, often seen decorating or delivering painted eggs. I dunno, I just have a thing for rabbits in clothes. When I was in elementary school, I made a paper doll from a coloring book rabbit, and designed all sorts of costumes for her. She "lived" in my desk, where I had fashioned her a pretty paper bed.

Now I wonder if my teacher ever looked into my desk and saw my rabbit and her costumes. What must she have thought. But I am vindicated, because I see I am not alone in thinking that rabbits - especially the European hares - look wonderful in clothing! The images in this post are some of my favorites.


  1. Did you also like Uncle Wiggly Longears the Rabbit Gentleman? I like dressed animals too, like those cats by Mainzer.

    I hope the weather is better.

  2. I love your collection of Easter cards…
    I also like the dressed rabbit I have a wonderful pair
    of stuffed dress rabbits that I display each year …

    I have few Easter postcard, I sold most of my
    postcard collections a few years ago, on eBay.
    I am still kicking myself …


  3. These are great....the artwork on them is just beautiful.

    I remember my granddaughter once told me "animals don't wear clothes"....she grew up in the wilderness of Montana and was around animals all the time. She was about five years old when she told me that. I had bought her a book with pictures of animals wearing clothes. I'll never forget that! Personally I think the rabbits look very stylish in their clothes!!

  4. OH those are just wonderful - what a grand collection.

  5. Your cards are really pretty. This is a very special collection.
    We will be spending Easter at my daughter Jenny's. It sure seemed to come fast this year.
    Thank you for sharing,
    Hugs, Mary

  6. Those are the sweetest cards! I love bunnies. :0) Happy Easter!

  7. These cards are lovely, and the colours too. I like to see the innocence in them, something lacking in most commercial cards these days.
    Happy Easter...

  8. Your cards are so beautiful. I have always loved rabbits dressed in clothes too. for me it probably goes back to that famous Peter Rabbit. You were creative even as a little girl. What a charming and wonderful story of you drawing rabbits, making clothes, and even little beds for them. I loved hearing it. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  9. I LOVE Rabbits who wear clothes.
    HA! Always haved.
    Your postcards are amazing.......very cute.
    I will be leaving for Iowa on Thursday for about 9 I hope it won't be super cold and OR snow. HA!
    Have a great day.

  10. Wonderful art on your postcard collection. Fabulous collection!!! Thanx for sharing. xoxoxo

  11. The cards are beautiful. Julie,we must have similar thing for rabbits in clothes. Among my possessions are 2 lop-earred rabbits. He is wearing Bib-overalls, she has on a dress with pantaloons.

  12. I love this post! I'm sending a link to my mom who has a German background.

  13. Your collection is great - I agree about the items on eBay - sad, huh, that we can't enjoy the discovery of not only a great card, but keep within our budgets :-(

    Have a great week and thanks for all the Rabbits in Clothes!

  14. I know what you mean about rabbits in clothes, these are all lovely cards. My own favourite rabbits in clothes are Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit and even more Alison Uttley's Little Grey Rabbit, the favourite books of my childhood. Hope you and your family have a very Happy Easter.

  15. I just love the easter pictures, I to look cards and postcards old and new!!

    You are more than welcome any time to come visit Garak, think you both get on great. Hope you doing ok Take care Fiona

  16. Julie, I am so envious, these are soo lovely!!

    Leanne x

  17. Your cards are endearingly gorgeous Julie*!*

  18. You have a wonderful collection of Easter postcards - but almost all of the 'easter bunnies' are, of course, hares ( a much more appropriate animal for the mysteries of Easter and Spring


  19. Denny, You are absolutely right. And as a Celtic Lady I do know that and should have noted the difference.
