My new friend Fiona from "A pot, a thought and a smidgen of dirt" has given me this Proximity Award. Thank you so much, Fiona. (I recently "met" Fiona, who is from Nottingham, England, as is her mum, Margaret from "Margaret's Ramblings.")
"Blogs who receive this award are 'exceedingly charming' say its authors. This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!
"Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award. According to the rules I must mention eight more bloggers with whom I wish to share this:"
At this point I would ordinarily politely decline to accept an award, or give the award to all my readers who wished to accept it, because I so hate to hurt anyone's feelings.
But this one's easier. I don't have to show favoritism by hinting that this person or that person is a better blogger. This award is about Proximity, and I feel there are some of my Blogland friends who really fit that profile, by becoming more than just a commenter. These people are "there" for me, from sending me gifts, to e-mailing me, to giving me a boost - or a shove - when I need one, and even phoning me, in a few instances.
I got lucky because Fiona had already nominated one of my dearest friends, Leanne from "Somerset Seasons Dorset Days." Leanne, you are my anam cara, the heart and soul of England, my "adopted" country. How I would love to explore your beloved woods with you.
Lila of "Indigo Pears" - my first blogging friend,
Gemma of "Wild Woman in a Desert Garden" - my ancestral sister,
Carmen of "Writing From Life" - a creative mermaid.
I love you three, closest of all to my heart. We are the Four Musketeers, all for one and one for all. We're mostly the same age but we have one young'un too. Sorry, ladies, that I cannot participate in the round robin with you this time.
Mary from "Across the Pond". You have such grace, taste and class - and most importantly, empathy. If you had only done just one thing - sending me the book about "The Girls Who Went Away" - you would have been my friend for life. You saved my life.
Annie from "Bimbimbie". The thousands of miles between North Dakota and Queensland, Australia, cannot hinder our friendship. Our love of nature is our bond and our seal. What a difficult time you are having now, leaving Bimbimbie, "The Place of Many Birds." Thinking of you.
Anna from "Nature Girl". Anna, another nature lover and photographer whose pictures equal the words of the finest poet. Such kindness (and roses) you have shown me. Anna, I'm praying for you and your dear mother through this difficult time.
Rowan from "Circle of the Year", my kindred spirit and wise teacher. You know that I was a changeling, separated from my ENGLISH family at birth! You give me back the connection. I hope to walk the lanes and stately homes of England with you some day.
Vicki from "Victoria Station", her new blog that is just now under construction. Vicki, you have had the worst thing ever happen to you this year and yet you still continue to be my friend, even when I didn't deserve it. I fervently hope you are back writing soon.
Mary from "Back of the Moon". We started as co-creators of an art challenge and are now fast friends. Dear Mary, I'm so glad we ventured this, for look what it brought us! Keep creating your collages and your jewelry!
Janet from "The Lavender Loft", you are one terrific lady and I am proud to call you my friend. I look to you as a source of inspiration with my art. Just looking at your picture makes me smile. It shows your wit and whimsy which shine through in all you do.
Annie "Elf" from "In My Dreams". What would I have done without you on one of my worst days ever? You have the biggest heart! How I admire you for exploring your spirituality and reaching for the stars. You are always growing - don't ever stop.
Joyce from "The Secret Gardener". You knew even before I did that a NoDak gal and a lady from the Bayou could be fast friends no matter what parts of this country we're from. When can I come to one of your famous tea parties?
Colleen from "Utah Grammie". We are certainly soul sisters, so you really know when I need uplifting. Thank you so very much for the poem you sent when Penny died. And, your sense of humor is the best. You are droll, witty and just plain funny!
Okay, so I broke the rules by naming more than eight. I am a rebel, you know, though mostly a quiet sort.
Thank you Fee (may I call you Fee?)
Links to all blogs are on my sidebar.
Added later: I went to Anna's (Nature Girl's) blog to tell her that I had given her an award and learned that her dear mother - her December Rose - has peacefully passed on. If you know Anna at all, please go add your condolences.
Rules are meant to be broken!! LOL Love how you wrote your blog on this take care fiona
Wow! Thank you, Julie! I feel honored to be included in this group of bloggers. And thank you for your kind words even though I'm not sure I really deserve them since I haven't been a very good blogger lately.
Wow your friends sound wonderful.
I plan on taking some time to go and visit them all. Thank you for this award dear Julie....xx
You are just the sweetest person in all of North Dakota. I was going to say on the "planet" but that was pretty vast I thought. There could be a few more in that realm.
Thank you for your friendship and your kindess towards me.
PLEASE come anytime to my tea parties.....I think we are having one for St. Valentine's Day.
Want a break from the cold?? HA!
I appreciate you.
What a wonderful award - and no one deserves it more than you. I have had such a day of reading all the blogs that you nominated - super blogs every one!!! Isn't blogland super wonderful?!?
Well, I arrived on a good day! You are receiving an award and using your usual eloquence to bestow this blessing upon others. I've told you before: I love the way you express yourself.
I know it has been awhile. That's what a move will do. When one is done unpacking, then the collapsing starts! Ha! (as Joyce in Bayou country would say.)
Good to be back.
What is a friend...someone who listen even when they may have heard it before,takes time out of their busy life to send great comments, who votes for you when there are others often so much better, who
invites them into their life with a smile and laughter, and some tears. You deserve your award and I thank you for giving me one too.
Your gifts are many and I am so glad we found each other.
Hugs, Mary
it's so nice to receive this kind of award! And it's so nice to have so many friends in blogosphere! And now I have to see all their blogs, oh my! Take care Julie! Kind regards from Poland :)
julie, thank you for that lovely comment, you are an anamcara to me too. maybe the miles will evaporate one of these days and I can show you the woods, and the fields I love, the history, the special places here, and the heritage that you feel so strongly for,
blessings to you
Leanne x
Congratulations on your award. and it was fun to read on about your connections as you presented the award to others.
Thank you dear Julie, may friends circle and smile with you *!*
Sweet Julie, I certainly don't deserve your generous words, I only did what I thought I should when I knew you were in pain. Life is hard for most people - we should all reach out with little kindnesses when afforded the opportunity. You are dear to me and many others.
Sending blessings and love.
Hello dear Julie:-)
Finally catching up with your last few posts once again...that seems to be my blogging style lately, trying to catch up! lol Congratulations on receiving this well deserved award. The friendships we've made through blogging is so awesome isn't it!
Thank you for mentioning about Anna's mom, I hadn't been to her blog since last week so had missed those news! Have just gone over to offer her my condolences. So very sad.
Hope you're having a great week! It's still cold here with lots of snow but at least not as frigid as it had been last week!! xoxo
Super cool!!!
Thank you very much and Congratulations to you!
This post is lovely full of treasured friends, you are loved amiga mia ;-)
love and hugs!
Julie! You certainly are deserving of this award! I have been blessed in being on the recieving end of your kindness and friendship..for that I am truly grateful.Your compassion and caring about me and my dear angel mother these past weeks touch my heart deeply.I am grateful more than I can express in words..if you were here I would be giving you the closest hug just to express my feelings.
I thank you for this Proximity award and I would like you to go to *my following link* and read how much I appreciate and feel about recieving it.
love and light aNNa xo
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