Thursday, December 25, 2008


"Christmas Time"
by Susan Dwyer

Between Darkness and Light

It is within the darkness and the silence
That the magic of Christmas starts;
Somewhere between the glimmer of lights
And the first breathless moment
When children come
Stumbling like new-born angels
Into morning light.
Within the darkness and the silence
We sit, watching wonder
Evolve into form; where we
Enter the ringing silence
In which the first bells of Christmas
Sound the music of the soul;
With a single carol
To a half-forgotten tune.
It is here, between the darkness
And the light,
That we wait, uncertain,
Seeking the moment
That challenges us to believe
In a freshly minted miracle
Born every Christmas Day.
By John Matthews


  1. its a fabulously evocative poem isnt it julie? I loved it when i first read it, and I know you did! it just sums it up so well. Hope you had a truly joyful day with your daughter home

    Leanne x

  2. Julie, What a very lovely poem!
    I hope you had a Merry Christmas.
    Happy New Year 2009..
    Hugs to you sweet friend! ~Mary~

  3. You always have such wonderful images and words to share with us - Thank You! Have a wonderful week and a Happy New All Year!

  4. As always you share the spirit of Christmas....I to love the poem, and I am looking forward to us sharing so much in the New Year.
    I do not use decorations on the Christmas tree. I fill the tree with candy and cookies and put the Foodies in little gife bags that I make. Then when the evening is almost over, the kids take all the stuff off the tree and put in bags I have make for them to carry it all in. So I decorate with Foodies!
    Merry Christmas, I hope yours was filled with delight.
    Hugs, Mary

  5. Merry Merry and Blessed Be.

  6. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a very Happy New Year....


  7. What a beautiful poem! Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and New Year. We have been a little under the weather with chills and fever. I hope you are having a wonderful time with your daughter :>)

  8. julie! just noticed the note you left me about a green santa! thankyou so much!!

    Leanne x

  9. Isn't that a great poem? Says it perfectly.

    I hope your Christmas was nice, I think you had lots of snow. We had rain and wind, but it was nice anyway.

    happy new year, Julie. May it be a good one!

  10. So glad you've had the warmth and love of your daughter home for Christmas. Sending more love and light to you.
