Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Just a reminder that you have only three days to enter the Fire Fancies Art Challenge hosted by me and Mary at "Back of the Moon". We haven't gotten many entries. (Boo hoo!) We're hoping it's just because you're waiting until the deadline.

If you were on the fence about entering, would it help if we extended the deadline?

Also, here are a few friendly reminders regarding entering and voting:

Artists, please, if you have posted an entry on your blog, CONTACT Mary or myself to let us know. We can't publish it if we don't know about it! (Carmen, I do know about yours so don't worry.) Just add a comment here or on my October 3 post. That way I will have a link to your blog and hence to your entry. Don't have a blog? Just e-mail one of us a photo.

And please, voters, WAIT until all the entries have been shown in one post before you vote. (Three people have voted already, but I have noted their votes and will count them.)

Come on, people, we are all artists! And remember, there are some very nice prizes!


I just had someone ask me if she could use the picture and alter it with computer graphics. Absolutely! You can do ANYTHING you want. You can make a 3-D object with it, or a collage, a painting, a drawing, a greeting card, a quilt or other fabric item, a mixed-media piece. You can make altered art by using computer graphics, embellishments, paints or any other imaginable material, tool or art supply. The sky is the limit.

My inspiration for this challenge was one held on the Mind Wide Open Blog a few weeks ago. Here's the link:


(Notice the great pieces Mary and my friend Lynda from "Among the Hedgerows" created?)

I hope this gives you lots of ideas.


  1. Hi!! I sent you a note ...I've posted Fire Fancies entry on my blog.

  2. Hi there, I am not sure if my "woman on fire" counts towards your challenge. But she was born in the fires of contemplation. So if you wouldn't mind checking her out she is here:

  3. Hi Julie,

    The date is coming up quickly, but I'm going to try to make something in the next couple of days, if I can. I'm still sort of new to this sort of collaging and all, so it doesn't always come easily to me. I might just post it for fun, and a little bit late.

  4. How late on the 10th do we have to post it?

  5. Guess I should leave the link to the actual post its @

  6. I loved the Krahe picture so much I had to go and order a print for my very own. Thanks for sharing.
