Wednesday, July 9, 2008


A happy, happy birthday to my dear daughter, Kristen, on her 26th birthday. I am so glad you came into our lives. You are truly a special daughter. I wish I could be with you today.


It's your birthday, but we got the gift...

a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter

who is always a pleasure to be with.

You glow with sensitivity and compassion

generated from the depths

of your warm heart and and kind soul.

A loving friend, a peacemaker,

a woman full of the joy of life,

that's you.

Anyone who spends time with you

is privileged to know

such an extraordinary person.

You are a great joy in our lives.

We love you and cherish you and treasure you

and wish that every one of your birthdays

will be the happiest yet.

By Joanna Fuchs


  1. Happy parent and child anniversary to the three of you. Smiles *!*

  2. Hi Julie,

    What a great tribute to your beautiful daughter. You are appreciating her and letting her know how much you care and love her. That is such a beautiful gift in and of itself.

    I love your blog, especially the graphics. (I finally figured out how to leave a comment when I had forgotten my password !) Janice

  3. Your daughter is Lovely, Happy Birthday to her. Blessed are we who love and are loved.
    Hugs, mary

  4. happy birthday to Kristen!

    I am away from my daughter too, its painful sometimes isnt it? So thinking of you today Julie

    Leanne x

  5. Oh, she's a beauty! And she looks just like you - what a pleasure to have these wonderful souls in our lives! Happy Birthday to her and Happy Everyday to you!

  6. What a wonderful photo of Kristen!
    My son will be 26 in less than a month! It is poignant when they are so far away on a birthday.
    My daughter was away at school for her 17th birthday...we saw her in a group of "protesters" on CNN that very day. (They were hoping to save a natural creek in the area!)
    Hoping you are able to be with Kristen before too long!

  7. Happy Birthday Kristen…

    26 is a wonderful age….
    It is just the beginning of all life has to offer…

    Julie have fun today reminiscing the wonderful days of you
    Precious daughter’s life..


  8. What a lovely tribute to your daughter ~ I hope she had a wonderful birthday. She has your smile!!

  9. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!

  10. Clearly, you are a great gift to each other. Happy birthday, Kristen.

  11. Happy birthday wishes to Kristen --and her dear parents! Being away on a birthday is tough, I know.
    Hope you're enjoying your summer, Julie, and thanks for the great e-cards for fairy day. So nice of you to remember me.
    Mary Ann

  12. A belated Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter...

    'Miss' Mari-Nanci
    {Yes, I am channeling my inner "Southern Lady Of A Certain Age"!!! Gonna' call myself "Miss Mari-Nanci" from now on. If I can't get people up here, to call me that, I shall call myself that! So there!!!} :-)
    Smilnsigh blog

  13. A belated Happy Birthday to Kristen - she looks very like you:)

  14. Happy (belated) Birthday to your beautiful daughter...I find she looks so much like you!! Such a lovely poem as well. Isn't it hard not being able to be with our children when they're having a birthday!! Hope you're doing well, dear Julie. xoxo

  15. How very sweet was that!!!
    She looks like you ....I think you must know that though :---)
    Happy Birthday and everything else to all of you!

  16. Hope Kristen had the happiest birthday yet. She truly is special because she has you for a mother.
    You have taught her all of the wonderful qualities she has.
    sending love

  17. I'm I bit late but just want to say that it was a special day when your beautiful Kristen was born! I hope this was a very happy B'day for her wherever she happened to be hanging out! I know you were missing her - how quickly they grow, where do all those years go?

    Hope you are well dear Julie - the Summer heat has slowed me down somewhat and I'm anxious for Autumn days.....and the big trip to France!

    Take care - hugs as always,

  18. I just completed my performing season. I am now free to catch up on the blogging world.

    Your daughter is very attractive and I like her smile. The poem really says it, doesn't it?

    Briana is still trying to set a wedding date. There is not a think that I do that I don't consider the changes that will soon take place. I do love having her around. She is such a good companion.

    Hugfully, KJ

  19. What a nice and special tribute to your daughter. Please stop by my blog. I have a gift for you.

  20. Daughters are such treasures!

    And now my eldest daughter has given me the gift of a granddaughter - doubly blessed.

    And I cant thank you enough for alerting me to the delights of Stonewylde - and its right on my doorstep in Dorset! I just love the intertwining of blogdom.

  21. Julie i got your email, hugs to you, i'll be in touch soon x x

  22. Best wishes to your daughter. I hope she has a very rewarding year ahead of her.

    I bought Return to Fairyopolis recently, and I love it. Even more than the first one, I think. I wouldn't have realized it was out if you hadn't posted about it Julie. Thank you!

  23. hope her day was wonderful!!
    just catching up after a hectic 2 weeks with Harry not very well. He is getting better now.
    I hope your weather is not too hot and not too cold.. just perfect like Goldilocks needed!!
