Monday, May 26, 2008



"We few, we happy few,
we band of brothers
For he to-day that
sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother"

William Shakespeare, "Henry V"

Last year for Memorial Day, I wrote about my three Scottish Munro great-uncles who fought in World War I. Two were killed in the war, and one died afterward, as a result of being gassed.
This year, I honor my two American Munro uncles who fought in World War II, and made it back home afterward, to Crosby, ND.

Donnie fought in both the European and Pacific Theatres. His younger brother, Scotty, who dropped out of high school to join up, fought in Europe. He went back to school and graduated after the war.

Donald "Donnie" Munro

James "Scotty" Munro
Donnie and Scotty, you're both gone now, but this is for you, with love and gratitude:
"These mist-covered mountains

Are a home now for me

But my home is the lowlands

And always will be

Some day you’ll return to

Your valleys and your farms

And you’ll no longer burn

To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction

Baptisms of fire

I’ve watched all your suffering

As the battles raged higher

And though they did hurt me so bad

In the fear and alarm

You did not desert me

My brothers in arms

There’s so many different worlds

So many differents suns

And we have just one world

But we live in different ones

Now the sun’s gone to hell

And the moon’s riding high

Let me bid you farewell

Every man has to die

But it’s written in the starlight

And every line on your palm

We’re fools to make war

On our brothers in arms"

"Brothers in Arms," Dire Straits


To learn about a true life WW II band of brothers in arms - the members of Easy Company of the 101st Airborne Division - watch "Band of Brothers", the excellent 2001 10-part miniseries produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. To learn more about it, go here:


  1. What a lovely tribute. Dire Straits was awesome!

  2. Nice tribute Julie, glad that they both made it home. Bet Donnie broke a few hearts in his time:)

  3. Wonderful tribute to your uncles Julie. I can`t imagine what it`s like to have a loved one leave for war....


  4. We sometimes take freedom for granted. My respects to your uncles amd all those who served for us.

  5. WOW that was a great tribute to your Uncles. WWI was such a horrible war with the gas and all although NO wars are good or fun that is forsure.
    WE love watching "Band of Brothers." Great movie.
    Hope your day went off well.....ours did here.
    See ya!

  6. Lovely entry. Thank you.


  7. Come over and see the latest, in "The Saga."


  8. Very poignant, Julie! I enjoyed and reflected on ALL of it. The poem is tremendous!

    We have the series, "Band of Brothers." I think everyone needs to see it. We cannot afford to forget. My freedom to even type this comment had a very heavy price.

    If Bear and I had the time, we would virtually spend all of Memorial Day weekend watching documentaries and war movies. It hits very deep here!


  9. Hi, Julie, I probably told you last year too that my maternal grandfather was on the Somme in WWI. This is a lovely tribute. Your family has some history!

    I've tagged you or a meme. Come on by!

  10. Wow - powerful words - even more powerful images. Thank you for reminding us the cost of this freedom we so often take for granted. Both of your uncles are heroes -

  11. you know, I thought I commented here... ahh well.. here I am anyhow xoxo (can't remember what I thought I said)
