Monday, February 11, 2008


(Photo from Annie's blog)

I must admit, I have been feeling really down in the dumps lately. The short winter days and the biting cold weather have played a large part, to be sure, but I have been dealing with some difficult personal issues as well.

Just when I thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel, along came a train. And that's a good thing! Annie Elf, from "Scenes From a Slow Moving Train," sent me these wonderful hand warmers because she knows that my hands have been hurting from carpal tunnel syndrome and frigid temperatures at my office.

Annie, I'm wearing them right now and they feel great. It's always chilly near my home computer whenever the temps are low and the winds are high. The only unfortunate thing, Annie, is that Gracie is way too interested in the yarn flowers. I'm keeping them at work so Gracie can't wreck them.

Annie told me she's thinking of opening an Etsy shop and selling these hand warmers. What do you think? Would you buy a pair if she did?

"Lady Unveiled" - Annie's handmade card.

After the train pulled out of the station, a little sparrow swooped by with a delicate package all the way from Australia. Thank you, Miss Robyn ("Tales From Inglewood"), for the Magikal Faery Opals, found at Lightning Ridge - New South Wales, Australia. If you can't read the tag, it says, "Just pop them into some water and the faery colors will shimmer." Okay, I will do that!

But wait, the U. S. Mail truck just pulled up and look what the mailman brought me - a truly lovely handmade Valentine card from Kelli at "There's No Place Like Home." Thank you so much, Kelli.

Hmm - the river's frozen over so I won't get a delivery by boat. Do you think the modes of transportation have been exhausted? No way, you forget about the wonders of cyberspace.

First, I received Make My Day Awards from Imelda in Ireland ("Greenish Lady") and Kate ("Meanderings"). Thank you ladies, YOU made MY day. I've already passed this award on to six other people after previously receiving this award.

And last, but certainly not least, dear Janet of "The Lavender Loft" has given me "A Roar for Powerful Words." After receiving the award herself, she was instructed to pass it along to five other blogs "that exemplify good and powerful writing."
Janet was asked to share three things that she believes make for well-written blogs. Her answer: "The things that I look for in a writer are do they keep my attention....are they entertaining. Are they "real" as in truthful and honest and do they cause me to make changes in the way I think about things. And are they witty or humorous. "
Janet wrote that she chose me because "She is wise and powerful. She teaches me so much in a gentle, easy way."
Because I was once a writer by profession I am especially proud to have received this award. I have a couple of people in mind to pass the award along to but am going to need a little more time to think on it.
Thanks to all of you. You have really lifted my spirits.
That reminds me, I have a couple of packages to post by snail mail and one by birdie mail.


  1. Love the hand warmers, so pretty. I would buy a pair!
    I am glad all your goodies you received in the mail cheered you up a bit.
    Sending you hugs, I don't like the dark dreary days of winter either.

  2. Julie, The hand warmers look wonderful. So glad they make your hands feel better. Annie is so very nice to have made those for you. Can you believe how caring and giving people are?? Great parcels from Robyn and Kellie too!
    You, my friend deserve all good things.

  3. Happy parcels always seem to know when the best time to arrive is. I'm sure it wasn't just your hands that felt their warmth. Smiles, Annie

  4. I'm glad your card arrived safely! Your new hand warmers are so pretty, I love the flowers! Sending you (((hugs))). I would send some sunshine if I could. :0)

  5. Your hand warmers are so pretty. I've made them for my daughter. She always has cold hands!

    You're sure making that mailman work hard, aren't you?! Such wonderful gifts from everyone.

  6. Simply delightful blog. So glad I happened upon it! Will be back!

  7. Although I am sorry you have the winter blues, I must confess that I'm glad it's not just me. All that ice, rain, snow...aaaargghhh! Another storm moving in tomorrow ~ will it ever end??? I want to see some daffodils or tulips!

    I love the hand warmers! I would buy a couple of pairs. They are all the rage with teen girls at the moment as well, at least in parts of Canada. I like having my fingers free and these warmers fit the bill

  8. The hand warmers are beautiful, and I hope they help make you a little more comfortable.
    You are being sent gifts and awards from all over, because you are so sweet, people want to spoil you..!

  9. It’s funny how acts of kindness can mean so much and lift our spirits.
    I don’t know what it is about this winter, but so many people have just had it, maybe
    it’s the cost of gas and oil. I am counting down the days until spring.
    So sorry to hear that your hands are hurting, I hope your new cute little gloves help..


  10. Oh Julie! I just dropped in after emailing you and surprise!!, there were my hands front and center. I'm so happy the warmers are fitting you and making you comfy. Tell kitty Annie says she can't be naughty so you can enjoy them at home. Thank you for your encouragement to make and sell. I'm thinking seriously of doing so. xxoo Annie

  11. oh I think they are lovely too, and so useful for you. I have a plain pair a friend knitted me. no flowers, and knitted in a cable stitch, as my hands get cold on the pc too, and they really help. I hope these ones from annie work some magic for you too.

    and all those other lovely parcels, theres nothing better than a surprise through the post to lift the spirits, take care of yourself Julie, and keep warm.

    Leanne x

  12. Ahh.. Julie it just warms my heart to read this post! You have been showered with LOVE from the blogging community! You so deserve all the awards and gifts! I am so pleased that you now have hand warmers to keep your hands warm and ease some pain!How about that wonderful Annie..such a precious loving spirit she has!No doubt there is sunshine in your world today ..keep smiling..hugs
    and smiles NG xo

  13. I am so glad the magick opals arrived when they were needed.. if you put them into a small jar, you will see the colours of australia.. sunshine & warmth.. well, supposedly but this summer has been really chilly (for us) xo

  14. Such lovely gifts Julie. They are gorgeous. CTS is no fun, I know, I was operated for CTS in 2006 and I must say my hands are doing great since then. I love the hand warmers, they look very Springlike. We can all use some Spring right now, as it is so watery cold. Have a great day and keep warm !!

  15. Hi Julie - I just know Annie's great mittens will help your hands and wrists - I think they'd sell well as they are so pretty!

    Don't be 'down', Spring IS on the way. Soon you'll see the brilliant yellow of daffodils poking from the Winter hardened earth - a WARM breeze will touch your cheek - and a thousand shades of green will dress the trees.

    I'm happy so many friends are thinking of you and sharing the love. Enjoy today and add my loving thoughts to the list.

    In friendship - Mary.

  16. Hi Julie,
    I'm sorry that you've not been feeling well, and that life is feeling difficult. I hope that things will be better for you soon.

    I hope you will enjoy a nice day today.

  17. A beautiful post.
    Congrats to you.

  18. I remember seeing what Annie was working on and they look lovely on you, Julie!

    Happy Valentine's Day too!
