Thursday, February 21, 2008


By Warwick Goble

I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to Mermaid Carmen ("Strawberries - Musings of a Mermaid.")

Carmen is one of the sweetest, nicest, most generous persons on the planet. She is also one of the strongest women I have ever known. I am honored to be the recipient of her friendship.

Carmen has the capacity, which is not as common as you might think, to seek AND FIND joy in every day. She is very intelligent and well read, especially in the area of self development. She is on a spiritual journey of mind, body and soul.

She is a lady who works very hard to achieve her goals, one of which is artistic and creative fulfillment. In the past few months she has really begun to realize her talent as an artist. She has opened an Etsy shop to sell her jewelry and her fantastic soldered glass pendants. And, her pendants are now on sale in several shops in her area. You go girl!

Another goal of Carmen's is to become a counselor one day. I have no doubt that she will make it.

Please go over to Carmen's blog at and wish her a Happy Birthday. Be sure to wear your red shoes and be prepared to dance!!


  1. OMG!!!
    I didn't expect you to give me such an honor in your blog!!!
    Now you are making me cry!
    You have my frienship forever and you are my sister, too!
    I love you!
    Thank YOU!!!

  2. That is a beautiful tribute. I'd say she's lucky to have you as a friend, too.

  3. Lovely tribute to your friend!From Kathyann and the girls

  4. Carmen is wonderful!
    Much love to her on her birthday and every day!
    Much love to you too Julie!

  5. Hello dear Julie:-)

    Finally catching up on your latest posts...haven't been spending much time at the computer this week due to other things needing to be done! How wonderful that you received such a lovely little parcel from Mrs. Staggs:-) I just love visiting Merryville and I'm always in awe of her crafting talents!!

    That soup your niece made sure sounds yummy..I'm not much of a soup person but I think I would enjoy that one!! I've just finished my last little container of chili I had made and frozen so must get the ingredients to make more. I eat chili like people eat soup! lol

    Hope Carmen had a wonderful birthday! Take care my friend!! xoxo

  6. Love the mermaid picture. Carme's blog is so neat!

  7. Julie thank you for the comments on my blog I have e-mailed the information you asked for!It is so kind of you to offer to send me the magazine ,thank you so much.
    I too visited Carmen to wish her Happy Birthday.Love from Kathyann and the girls
