Thursday, January 10, 2008


Lovely Janet of "The Lavender Loft" has given me the "You Make My Day Award". This award is for "people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland."
On behalf of myself and my doggies, I graciously and humbly accept this award. I am delighted to be in this great company of bloggers.
Now, I am to give the award to up to 10 people. So, on to my choices. Normally I would have an extremely difficult time selecting just a few names, being conscious of having left people out. But this time, I am going to choose the people who really made my day by agreeing to be in my "Pay It Forward" exchange. I was secretly a little scared I wouldn't get six names, but I did.
They not only made my day that day, but every day. I read their blogs faithfully and they have indeed brought me happiness and inspiration.
Leanne of "Somerset Seasons", for the beautiful photography, the poetry shared, and the lore and legends of her corner of England. (And her dogs and cats too!)
Lila, of "Indigo Pears," a wonderful artist and quilt maker, and a true friend. You were among my first commenters, and now we are good buds.
Nature Girl of "Nature Trail", whose photographic record of her garden, in both summer and winter, is truly amazing, as is her graciousness in trying times.
Noni (Nonizamboni) of "Peacock Blue", who lives the closest to me in the real world, and dwells very close to me in my heart. Thank you for your superb poems and photographs.
Annie Elf of "Scenes From a Slow Moving Train." You are a poet extraordinaire and someone who has caused me to reflect deeply on many subjects.
Annie ("Bimbimbie). Your captivating nature photos, videos and stories have made me a (willing) captive of your blog. You also have a captivating imagination, my dear!
There are links to all these blogs on my sidebar.
Congratulations, all of you. Please take the logo for your own blog. And I hope you pass the award on to others. Pay It Forward, remember?


  1. Oh what a pretty badge. Thank you. Thank you. Love, AnnieELF

  2. Congratulations on the much deserved award, dear Julie:-)It's always such a nice fuzzy feeling when you know someone enjoys your blog so much, isn't it! I just read your previous post as well and I'm glad that you've started getting some help from the acupuncturist/herbalist...hopefully it will help you! My mom got treated by a herbalist one time when her food allergies were so bad, she could only eat pablum for 2 months...he helped her cleanse out her whole system and it really helped her. The winter months are always hard to get problem is that I get so bored, I don't know what to do with myself! lol xoxo

  3. I love the badge and willbe glad to add it to my sidebar! Thank-you, Julie! You make me smile, too!

  4. Awww..Julie Thank YOu!
    I am happy to share this award with the ladies that you mention asI am very much familiar with all but one! You made my day today!! hugging you NG xo

  5. OOPS...julie Congratulations on recieving this award!! hugs

  6. Your blog always inspires me and gives me something to think about. I'm not familiar with all your choices so this will give me an opportunity to go visiting.

  7. aw, thanks Julie, I am honoured too! and glad to count you amongst my friends.

    leanne x

  8. Dear Julie--You made my day again. Your sharing your award came at the end of a day when I thought I just might be the loneliest, homeliest, dimwitted old lady ever made. Thank you, thank you.
    And, you my dear, genuinely deserve this award!
    Have a great weekend.
    Mary Ann

  9. Sweet Julie, I'll gladly add the badge in honour of our friendship. It's always a welcome delight to visit you and read your words. I always come away learning something new Thank you and congratulations to you *!*

  10. by the way Julie. I got some inspiration today and am going to start working on my little surprises this weekend.

  11. Congratulations on your well deserved award, Julie!

  12. Congatulations to you! I remember my very first award always!!!
    The most lovey ladies you choose, specially, Lila and Annie from Australia!!!

  13. Congratulations Julie ~ your blog is very well deserved! Now I will be off to check out the other blogs...
