Sunday, December 16, 2007


After Kristen started school, Christmas photos were no problem. We would just tuck a school photo into our Christmas cards. But before that, sometimes we went to Sears or JC Penney for her holiday photo, and sometimes I took the photos. I think Kristen was around four, maybe five, when these photos were taken. I seldom curled her waist-length hair, but this was for a special occasion.
(Click to enlarge)
Hmm, there are a lot of outtakes here. A little bit of talking back, some grimness (will this ever be over?), face needs scratching, oops, the flash was too bright, a real pout (it's NEVER going to end), resignation.
Which one do you think I chose?

"Love, Dan, Julie & our own living doll, Kristen."


  1. What a doll! Did you choose the one on top middle right? They are all darling!!! Love the Christmas card too. Precious.
    I didn't get a chance to coment on your last post but want to say I definately believe in the power and miracles of prayer.

  2. What a cutie she is! Wonderful photos....even the ones where she isn't so happy!

  3. A girl can never have too many dolls *!*

  4. Oh how sweet she was - and I'm sure still is! Glad she will be home soon - have a wonderful Christmas together Julie.

    As for your previous post, how lucky we are to have found each other, and all the other friends we've made via our blogs. I enjoy reading every word you write, whether in your post or in the kind comments you leave for me. Sometimes, like right now, I'm finding it hard to be as responsive as I'd like - so many people comment and there are even more blogs I love to visit and want to comment on - but just never enough time!

    Julie, my wish for you is a blessed Christmas filled with love and laughter, surrounded by your family and friends.......many new and wonderful books, and that your hands will be pain free. I have picked several books for my list and hope Santa will have room in his sack for them. There's really nothing else I need so books will be more time to read them!

    Love and hugs, your friend Mary.

  5. Actually Gemma, it's the second from the left!

  6. What a cutie! Don't we cherish our memories?!!
    I hope you have a lovely visit with Kristen this year! (I'll be with my Laura Kristina)

  7. oh Julie, she is so much like you! I could see the resemblance immediately!

  8. Lovely photos, Kristen was a beautiful little girl and what gorgeous hair she had.

  9. Kirsten is beautiful, and she looks so much like you..!
    She has beautiful hair..
    I'll bet that seems like yesterday..!

  10. The best doll is a living doll, very cute pictures..

    I stop by often to read your blog and would like to Wish you a very
    Happy Holiday....


  11. I still have all my dolls I had when I was young and even though most are packed away I don't intend to ever get rid! xxx
