Tuesday, December 11, 2007





Is there any hope when your sister, whom you love dearly, is late AGAIN for your every-other- Saturday luncheon date, therefore making you late for the flea market, and when you get there at 3:30 P.M. you discover they've changed the closing time to 4:00 P.M. instead of 5:00 P.M.?

Yes, there is! In fact, I found more in a half hour in this flea market than I sometimes find when I have way more time to browse. Sadly, our local monthly Flea Market/Antique Show has become almost solely flea market, since most antique dealers sell their wares on eBay now days.

But this time, I was fortunate to find the postcard shown at the top of the post, and a lovely gilded Easter postcard, both mailed from Czechoslovakia. The dealer had many more Czech postcards, which I have never seen before. I wish I had had a chance to peruse the others, but it was time to move on.

At another booth, I found this pensive little Victorian Girl in Winter. Hmm . . . She could almost be my January Painting of the Month, couldn't she? At the same booth, I found a copy of Robert Louis Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of Verses", copyright 1933, in really good condition (a steal at $5.00). I was surprised and thrilled to learn that this edition was illustrated by Frances Brundage, who was a renowned illustrator of Halloween and Christmas postcards during the Golden Age of Postcards. All I need to do is glue down the flap that covers the spine.

In my little speed walk through the flea market, I also found a really nice blue and white china plate and a statue of a springer spaniel (I collect dog statues). Last but not least, I found this Father Christmas dressed in white, and another one dressed in red for my sister.

I left this picture for the last because I wanted to tell you that Leanne at "Somerset Seasons" has written a post about Father Christmas/Santa Claus/St. Nicholas. Before the red-suited Santa we know today came along, Santa - or more accurately Father Christmas - was often pictured in long robes of white, green, blue and brown! Leanne has also written some other lovely Christmas-tradition posts, including ones about Robin Red Breast, the Yule Log, Mistletoe and Christmas in Olden Times. They begin December 5 and continue through today (so far!). Please check out her blog at http://www.somersetseasons.blogspot.com/. Another English blogger, Rowan, has been visited recently by her very own lovely Christmas Robin. Read her blog at http://www.circleoftheyear.blogspot.com/.


  1. As usual, I love your post! Your sister being late could certainly test your patience...but things do have a way of working out I think! You found some amazing goodies!
    Now off to read the blogs you mentioned!

  2. Oh, what lovely treasures, Julie! The Victorian girl is so sweet. I'm glad your trip the flea market worked out!

  3. I love that white suited Father Christmas- he looks great in white doesnt he? :-)

    Leanne x

  4. You found some lovely items! I love the little winter girl, when I look at her I think of the Little Matchgirl ~ do you know that story?
    I actually prefer the old fashioned St. Nick in long robes instead of the red suited Claus.

  5. Isn't it amazing what we can fin in just half an hour? lol You truly did find some fabulous items!! I love the Father Christmas picture...I've always actually preferred the old world Santas with their long flowing robes:-) xox

  6. What wonderful finds! I love the little Victorian girl, and I'm always a sucker for old books.

    Rowan's blog is one of my all-time favorites. I'll pop over and visit the other blog as I'm not familiar with it.

  7. What a great selection of finds, it's odd how sometimes you can find more in half an hour than in two or three hours of tramping round when you don't see a thing that you want. I love the picture of Father Christmas dressed in white and the book is a favourite of mine for children, we still have a copy in the attic which I'll bring down for Kaitlyn and Gabriel when they are a bit older.

  8. A Child's Garden of Verses is always lovely, but it's truly a treasure, illustrated by Frances Brundage. I love her illustrations. That is quite a find.
    I love vintage postcards, blue and white china and Father Christmas. I have a few very special Father Christmas figures in my Santa collection. They were handmade by a dear friend of mine.
    Your treasure hunt turned up some real treasure!

  9. What great finds! The Victorian girl is so pretty. Yes! You should use her for your January pic! Would you believe my sister is always late too. Usually I tell her to meet me 1/2 hour earlier than I want so she'll be there on time LOL.

  10. Great finds Julie.
    I like green clad Santas myself. And I have a woodland Santa dressed in animal skins (not real ones) and leopard skin, he is nice too.!
    I think Coca Cola made the red Santa popular and the image has stuck..!

  11. I have as you may have noticed a little collection of vintage cards. Yours are really nice.
    I am glad you are having a great time.

  12. What wonderful treasures! Especially since your time was short--nice work. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Oooohhhhh lovely post Julie - especially liked the White clad Santa
    - you found lovely things *!*
