Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Annie Elf!

"MORNING JOURNAL" by Sally Rosenbaum

I am posting this a bit early so that you can go over to Annie Elf's blog ( and wish her a Happy Birthday. My dear blogging friend from California is celebrating (erm, mourning?) her 60TH BIRTHDAY!!!

That's right, Annie Elf is 60, 60 years old on Sunday. Please go over to her blog and wish her a Happy 60th.

Whenever I think of Annie, I think of Annie at her favorite coffee shop, with a journal strategically placed in front of her and a coffee cup by her side. Why can I visualize this so well, you ask? Because she published a picture of herself at her favorite coffee shop!

Annie is a wonderful poet and a deep thinker. Now, don't get Al Franken as "The Deep Thinker" in your head. Annie is an original deep thinker, a seeker of the meaning of religious life and life in general. She is a wonderful person and I am glad to think of her as a cyberspace friend. And, she has the cutest new puppy named Tinker.

Annie - 6o is just the beginning!! You are a wise woman and you are growing wiser and stronger by the day.


  1. Oh my gosh Julie. Look what I've found. I'm scooting around trying to catch up on some blog reading and find THIS! I am so touch. Thank you so much for this kind remembrance. xxoo and make that a huge hug across cyberspace. Annie

  2. will wish annie a happy birthday.

    lovely painting of "morning journal"

  3. I am heading over to her blog next. You've been tagged.


  4. I just love the illustration you have used! A perfect cyberspace birthday card!

  5. I LoVe Annie...truly a Joy to have the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her poetry and writing! Of course I'll wish her a greeting!! You are so thoughtful in posting this..
    hugs aNNa
