Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween, everyone!

By now you know that Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I especially love vintage Halloween and collecting Halloween postcards. I'm not into skeletons, vampires, devils, werewolves, assorted monsters and creatures, ghouls, chain-saw and slasher movies, blood and gore and the like. I saw "Psycho" when I was 16 and that scared the bejeezus out of me. That was the last scary movie I ever saw.

I do believe in ghosts, although I have never seen one, and I do know that spirits abide with us, especially tonight as the veil between the two worlds grows thin (and thank you Autumn for explaining the difference between ghosts and spirits.) I like my witches benign and crone-like.

What I do like is celebrating Halloween with my friends. I sent personal Halloween e-cards to as many of you as possible today, and a few belatedly tonight, as I did not have your email addresses with me.

Sadly I did not save your email addresses when some of you replied to posts on my blog, and some of you are no-reply. From now on, I will be sure to copy down your addresses. So, Happy Halloween to my friends Rowan, Casey, Autumn Zephyr, Imelda in Ireland (buy pumpkins, not turnips!), Kate in Idaho, Kim in Kansas, Anna (Nature Girl) and Kelli Winn. If I have overlooked anyone, it was just an oversight, not a slight. (Post a comment and let me know!)

Also, Happy Halloween to all of you who may lurk here, or just stopped by for the first time. (Come in and introduce yourself!) Happy Samhain to those of you who follow the pagan path, and Happy Beltane to those of you Down Under.


  1. I'm with you on the scary movies! I don't like them either. And I do believe in ghosts and messages from the other side.

    Happy Halloween to you!!

  2. I just love the look and feel of your blog. I'm really enjoying these Halloween images from the past.

  3. You've collected some amazing Halloween post cards, Julie! I don't like what Halloween has become but I love vintage images of black cats, pumpkins, friendly ghosts and witches. I very much believe in ghosts too.
