Saturday, October 13, 2007


Please go over to my friend Pea's blog and wish her a happy 50th birthday and attend her wonderful fairy birthday party.
It's not every day a gal turns 50, Pea. Enjoy every single minute of your day. I had so much fun at your party that I hope you invite me every year. It was a blast!


  1. Thank you so much dear Julie Marie! I'm just waiting for Shawn & Wendy to arrive so I have a bit of time to visit:-) I'm so glad you enjoyed my faerie party...I can tell you've been there, there's faerie dust all over your blog! hehe I've been so busy the last couple of days I haven't had a chance to visit many blogs but I will catch up in the next couple of days!! xoxo

  2. Pea did it in style didn't she *!*

  3. I flew over early this a.m on the wings of a butterfly! Oh all that glitter and dancing about the flowers..just wore me out! I wore my dress made of feathers and flower petals with seeds along the bottom!
    Oh those butter cupcakes were so yummy! Now I am resting trying to regain my strength!

    Julie I want to Thank You for standing by with words of comfort and encouragement as I recover..hugging you NG
