Monday, October 15, 2007


A happy, happy birthday to my dear blogging friend Lila ( Lila has been concerned about her mom's health lately (she had a pacemaker installed on Saturday) and may not have been thinking much about her upcoming birthday. Lila, I hope you take a little time away from caring for Mom to celebrate your special day.

Hugs, Julie


  1. I'll go over there now and give her some birthday wishes:-) xox

  2. Thank-you for the post about my birthday! My daughter got married two years ago on my birthday, and I totally forgot that this was her anniversary! I will treat myself to a"birthday" pumpkin spice latte as soon as I get to Starbucks! And I can sometimes find "pumpkin fudge" in some of the little specialty shops here! YUM! Autumn!

  3. Happy Birthday Lila!! I'm on my way to visit now.

  4. Happy Birthday Lila. I know how having an ailing mother can really wear you down. Hang in there and enjoy your day!

  5. I shall rush right over..I celebrate mine on Sunday!

    "a lifetime friendship is a ship of memories in a sea of laughter and love!"....
    I feel this way about the close connections I have made within our blog community sea are one ..thank you for looking in on finally no pain after 6 wks!!hugs NG
