Saturday, October 6, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving to my friends across the border!

I think the Canadians were wise to set their Thanksgiving in October. When going "over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house," you don't have to worry about icy roads and blizzards. Mums and asters are still in bloom in your yards. You don't have a ton of snow covering your wheat sheaves, wreaths and other outdoor decorations. Your pumpkins aren't frozen to your front steps!

Plus, Canadian Thanksgiving is closer to harvest, which is of course the original reason for Thanksgiving (nope, it's not pigskins and pigging out).

Canadians were wise, as well, to set Thanksgiving on a Monday. I, who have seldom had a Thanksgiving Friday off, hate to go back to work that day, knowing that a lot of people don't have to. Having Thanksgiving in October means it can be treasured as its own special day, instead of being just the kickoff to the Christmas season. American Thanksgiving gets lost nowadays. I even have couple of friends who put up their Christmas trees and decorations in the middle of November. What a shame, when there are so many gorgeous autumn decorations, both natural and man made.

I want to send special wishes to my Canadian blogging friends - Sheila, Nature Girl, Tea and Pea. Also to any other "Canucks" who might be reading! I hope you have a lovely long weekend and a blessed Thanksgiving on Monday.


  1. Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving wishes dear Julie:-) I've always said it made more sense having Thanksgiving in October since this is the time of harvest! lol My sons can't make it this weekend but at least my mom & Ross will be coming over for Thanksgiving dinner on Monday...his son is having his on Sunday so that's why they're free to come over on Monday:-)xox

  2. Really nice post Julie :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too :)

    I`m glad we have it in October because yours does seem so very close to Christmas. Time flies far too fast as it is and I can hardly believe it`s October!


  3. I didnt know it was Canadian thanksgiving- Ive just learned something!- but I am now sending my best wishes to anyone celebrating!!

    leanne x

  4. I so agree about this Canadian date being the most wise. So agree! For all your reasons.

    Our Thanksgiving date is weird! -sigh-

    And I also wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends.


  5. Thank You Julie.
    We just spent the day visiting my Dad, then my sister and brother in law and went out with us for dinner. I will make a nice meal for my husband and myself tomorrow, but because he works for the city he has to work a half day..!
    We'll have fun anyway.
