Friday, September 21, 2007


By Christine Mason Miller

"Being creative feeds a well that, as humans, we are all born with. To watch the level of abandonment with which children create and not recognize this deep need within ourselves is a bit like trying to stay cold in front of a roaring fire. We can't help but want to create. We are human, after all."

The collage above is by one of my favorite artists. How fitting that I should find a piece of her work that speaks to creativity, not long after I posted about giving up my fears regarding creating art. (By the way, you can see more of her work at

I have one little criticism directed at her use of the word abandonment. I think she meant children create with a level of abandon. (Though creating art helps abandoned children therapeutically, I don't think that's what she meant.)

I want to thank all of you for leaving such encouraging and thoughtful comments and emails. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. You have really lit a spark for me and I hope it grows into a lively, snapping, warming fire.

Here's another bit of serendipity: I bought the magazine Mary Englebreit's Home Companion yesterday and found a painting of hers with the phrase shown below. I do agree. No matter what level of skill we are at, we are all gifted and we cannot neglect or suppress it.

P. S. It is going to take a while for me to launch my new blog. I want to create a banner instead of having the "prefab" banner that's on this blog. Since I don't know HOW to create a banner, this may take some time, especially since I want something that is my own creation, not a photo that I have lifted from some source. I mean, it's going to be an ART blog so how can use someone else's art? Also, I completely forgot to mention this will also be a POETRY blog as well as an art blog. Plus, I've made some bits of jewelry that I want to show, and I WILL - dammit - create that "Spirit Doll" I have been planning for weeks in my mind.


  1. We are definitely born to create!
    I haven't done the "banner" thing myself...but I bet some help will come along for you! No hurry!
    I am looking forward to seeing anything that you create and want to share!

  2. The banner thing is a mystery to me, too. I have wanted to do one for quite awhile so maybe we can help each other get one made.

    Thank you for the link to the artist....I love her work!

  3. A lovely post worthy of the subject. I thought of you (us)when this quote came across my screen this a.m.:
    “If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”
    - Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

  4. ep, the banner thing is elusive to me too. But I can't wait for the unveiling of your new blog!

  5. I agree, Julie. Abandon, as in total freedom, might have been the better word.

  6. Thanks, Julie, for the never-ending string of droplets and gems your spirit is !

    I have started following Christine Mason Miller's work too. No doubt she is another Wild Woman living her Gift of Creativity !

    Best regards from the Mediterranean, Celtic Lady
