Monday, September 24, 2007


There's a saying in North Dakota that if you don't like the weather, stick around a bit and it will change. Saturday it was in the high 80s. Yesterday it was 90 degrees. A cold front blew in last night and today I don't believe it even made it to 60, and there was a strong, cold wind. I have been resisting, but it's time to drag out my fall jacket.

However, this weather puts me in a mood for hearty meals, cozy afghans, sweaters and socks, cocooning, decorating for fall and giving things away. You may remember that I had promised to do a giftaway when I reached my 200th post, and this is it!

Put a comment on this post and you will be entered for a drawing to receive all of the things you see here. I had already given you a sneak peek of the fall fairy shown below. The photo above is of a squirrel holding acorn salt and pepper shakers. In the top photo, there are the following items: a kitchen towel with (not too) scary black cats, some hedgehog tissues, a Halloween bracelet with vintage scenes, and a ceramic leaf. There's also a "cinnamon bun" candle to be placed on the leaf, but I couldn't scan it so you will just have to imagine it.

I will keep this giftaway open for a week, and draw a name next Monday evening. Good luck to all!


  1. Congrats on your 200th post. Please enter my name in your drawing. Love Hugs and Blessings

  2. Oooooh look at all those wonderful goodies!! Congratulations on your 200th post dear Julie Marie:-) Here's to many, many more lovely posts!! xox

  3. Oooo! What a cute things! In my country there is no Helloween holida but I like it :) In Poland we celebrate All Saints Day but it's rather sad holiday.

  4. Wow! 200 posts! And I'm the first to leave a comment!

    We have the same kind of weather here. It has been cool and rainy but now it's warming up again and is due to reach the high 80's by Wednesday! I'm ready for some real fall weather.

  5. In really hot weather you just cant get comfortable In the cold though- you can always snuggle up in cosy throws or sweaters, eat hearty wintery fayre, and light the fire.I like blustery winter weather! (I always put on a few pounds over winter, sigh!!)

    Congratulations on your 200th Post!I cant believe ive made 154 since July when I started my blog!! I have a couiple of giveaways coming up before Yule too!!

    I love your giveaway items Julie, thoughtfully put together to mark the season. You have such beautiful home decorations in the States, we just dont have the same range of things available here. The few times Ive been to the States, Ive come home with bits and bobs that we dont seem to find here!

    Leanne x

  6. I am here! I know you wanted me to put my name in even though I live Down Under... so here it is: Miss*R. :)
    well done on the 200th post !

  7. Oops, Janet,

    I spoiled your being first to comment by not reading it first. But I acknowledge you as the first to read my 200th post!


  8. Fall is the very best season of the year. There is something about lighting a fire and snuggling up in sweaters and blankets that appeals to me.
    Congratulations on your 200th post....
    and since we have only recently met (through dear Robyn !) I hope you are around to post many many more.!!

  9. I am visiting one blog per day as I recuperate and so glad I visit yours today! 200th post quite an acheivement..I am sure along the way you connected with kindred spirits.
    Thank you for leaving healing words..this shingles disease very nasty!!
    I am pleased that you recieved your package..NG

  10. Congrats on your 200th post. I am way past that, I am closer to 700, so I guess I will wait till 1,000 and do a give away then..Probably in the spring..In the mean time I would love to have any of those pretty things your giving away.

  11. Congrats on your 2000th post! When I started blogging a little over 2 years ago, I never thought I would keep up with it. Surprisingly I have, and I've come across some really nice blogs from other people ~ yours is one of the nicest. Thanks for the great pics and interesting posts!

  12. Hello, Celtic Woman :)

    I just found your blog yesterday and added it to my blogroll. Congratulations on your 200th post!

    I'm commenting here not because I want to be entered into your giveaway - I'm sure you have many longstanding readers more worthy than I. I just wanted to say that your giving heart must have been the energy that drew me here - along with all things Celtic and Fae. Thank you for spreading the Love.

  13. To Grace and others who aren't regular commenters: Please do enter my giveaway. The last time I had a giveaway I met some new friends!


  14. Well then, Ms. Julie :) I would love to enter your contest, thank you! The thought of making a new friend is especially appealing. Thanks so much for the invite1

  15. Julie, what wonderful gifts to celebrate your 200th post - I feel we should be giving you gifts!!! It's been a long haul to come this far hasn't it?
    Please pop my name in the hat - and keep the lovely posts coming please.

  16. What a nice collage of your gift items. And congrats on being around so long! You certainly bring beauty and thought to our cyber world.

  17. Congratulations on your 200th post Julie .... keep them coming *!*
