Wednesday, May 23, 2007



(And imagine Vern Troyer singing the "It's my birthday" song in that commercial): I got a job, uh-huh, uh-huh. It's a good job, uh-huh, uh-huh! I'm very happy, uh-huh, uh-huh!

I applied for a job with this company without knowing they had just posted an opening. How serendipitous! I had actually waited a couple of months to approach them. I was hesitant because I felt somehow unworthy. (Ridiculous, I know.) I interviewed with them yesterday, and they seemed to be very interested in me and so appreciative of my experience. The interview went very well, but you just never know. Anyway, they called me a little bit ago and it's official! I start Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day.

The job is with Bismarck Title Company, which is the competitor of my former company. I am starting out at almost exactly the same salary it took me nine years to achieve at ND Guaranty and Title. Because of my years of experience, they are giving me more vacation this first year than they usually give new hires. And the profit sharing is astounding.

I will be on the ground floor, so to speak, as they start a new office in Mandan and prepare to take over the market share from Mandan Title, which is NDGT's sister company and the place I worked during the last 15 months of my 9-year tenure with the company. I have dedicated myself to doing everything in my power to help my new company succeed in this venture.

If that sounds to you like gloating, I am. I think I deserve to gloat a little. It feels like poetic justice to me. As those of you who read my blog know, it has been a tough two months. I have related the jumble of feelings one goes through after losing one's job and while being in a toxic work environment with a manager who is a bully.

I know it could have been a lot longer than two months. I have read the tales about downsized middle-management people who have sent out hundreds of resumes and are still unemployed for a year or more. I am lucky and blessed. I am especially blessed to have the support of Dan and Kristen, my sister Glori and the Fredericksen relatives. And I cannot forget to thank my new blogging friends, my in-town friends and former fellow employees who gave me reassurance, encouragement and advice, coddled me when I needed it, assured me how smart and deserving I am, and gave me a smack upside the head when I got to be too much.

I haven't gotten a lot accomplished during my enforced time off. Now, I have five days to do all the projects I thought I would finish during my unemployment period, which in all possibility could have lasted all summer. Hah, I know I won't get them done, but I do have to get a haircut, maybe a get a perm. I have to buy a couple of decent outfits because my work wardrobe had gotten really shabby, and I have to buy a couple of pairs of new shoes/sandals because of - that's right - Gracie. Those have-to's will be so much more fun than sending out resumes, reporting to Job Service and throwing those pity parties!


  1. Picture me a whirling dervish. Happy, Happy, HAPPY!!!! for you. WooWoo!

  2. Hello Julie,
    Thank you for the comment on my blog. I think I have been having particular "luck" at the thrift stores lately. Not all of my trips are as good as the last few.
    Congratulations on the new job! I hope all goes well for you.
    You have a terrific list of books on your "About me" page!
    Take care.

  3. Annie,

    Luv you. You are for sure one of my soul sisters.


  4. Oh Julie I am SO happy for you I am dancing too!! That is such fabulous news and I swear your relief and your excitement is palpable. They are lucky to get you! You have every right to gloat and gloat you should.

    I quit my job 6 years ago due to a bully boss who gave women of authority a VERY bad name! Since then I spent all that time tending to my mom's needs and being her advocate. NOW I am in a quandry...I think I am waiting for that knock,knock, knock on the door from opportunity. heehee


  5. Well done! Congratulations! It's looks as if the right job has come along at just the right time! I'm so happy for you.

  6. Congratulations, you deserve this job, the 'worm has turned'.

  7. I'm so happy for you!!!!
    Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!!!
    They are so smart to hire you!!!

  8. I forgot...are you and Annie getting tatoos to celebrate?

  9. Congratulations on your new job! Having just recently gone from temporary to per diem to regular, full time (all at the same organization) I know how you must be feeling. I felt a huge weight had been lifted. I hope your job will be everything you want it to be, and more.

