Saturday, May 19, 2007


I just discovered these cards by Mina Lee on another blog. Luvs it! Check out the link on the right side of my blog under Favorite Artists, etc.
I picked these three cards because I do have an attitude and love it, because I am just beginning to realize my power as a woman, and because I belong to this book club . . . Maybe my book club should change its name from CRS (Can't Remember S---) to the Bad Girls Book Club.
By the way, speaking of book club, I have to admit to something. My book club members call me the Book Nazi (after Seinfeld's Soup Nazi), because I insist that they actually read the book every.single.month.
Here's another thought regarding books: "A home without books is like a body without a soul." My husband and I were invited to a party at a beautiful new home a couple of weeks ago. I really liked the style - it was basically decorated in Old World fashion and was very tasteful. On closer inspection, I could see that the only books in the house were part of the carefully-arranged vignettes. Perfectly matching, dust-jacket-less books in sets of two or three. I knew that they had been chosen by the decorator specifically for that purpose - for the subtle color of their covers, so that they would blend in with the urns and clocks and silk arrangements.
I cringed. I'm sure that the spines of those books have never been cracked. Of course, I am too much the other way, to the chagrin of my daughter. I have books piled in corners of my bedroom and in hallways. My closets are full of books, and so are my bathroom shelves. When I bring a book home, it usually stays there forever.
When my home burned, I mourned my books as much as I did my plants and my family photos. In fact, one of the firemen remarked to a friend of Dan's, "Wow, they sure had a lot of books!" (Dan's a great reader too.)
Of course, I do have friends who buy books and then pass them on. Some borrow from the library instead of buying. My book-loving librarian daughter keeps some books but is firm about winnowing out the rest. But to me, a home without books usually means a home of non-readers, and I see lots of that type of home. It saddens me.


  1. I have heard people say "I never read books" and to me that is something totally beyond my understanding. I cannot imagine not wanting to read a book. I, too have books everywhere (with the exception of the bathroom) and even though I have no place left to put more books I still buy them. To me it's like not being able to resist buying another teddy bear. I love the feel and smell of books. Walking into a bookstore is like finding myself in heaven.

    "When I have money, I buy books. If any is left, I buy food and clothes." -- Erasmus

  2. You wouldn't be sad in my house - we have thousands of books. I've been a voracious reader all my life and my husband also loves reading. I can't imagine life without books.

  3. We have lots of books too...I just have a hard time putting the paint brush or needle and thread down for long enought to read much anymore! Do audio books count? I heard Amy Tan read her "Saving Fish From Drowning"...17 hours of listening. She read it beautifully!
    Oh and I am tagging you! See my Blog...I still have to list the 7 blogs I'm tagging, but you are one!
