Thursday, March 15, 2007


(Click on pictures for larger view)

Last March I could not get enough of the color yellow in my life, so I created this pair of collages celebrating that joyous spring color. I must have had more money than I do this year, because I wrote, ""All spring I have been yearning for yellow. I have bought yellow daffodils, yellow tulips, yellow carnations. Yellow primroses too."
In case the writing is difficult to read even when enlarged, here's what else I wrote:
The hunger is insatiable. I am drawn to yellow like a magnet.
I want to wear yellow, eat yellow (*), sleep in yellow, smell yellow.
(* lemon curd, lemon meringue pie, limone glace)
I would even welcome dandelions: "Dents de Lions" (Lion's Teeth)
I do not want fake yellow. Oh, no. Only real yellow for me.
Even the Crosby supermarket had daffodils
On dit, "jaune" en francais. Ooh la la!
I want to drink only freshly-squeezed lemonade. OK, that's a lie.
I'll take the frozen concentrate too.
Jonquil, Narcissus, Lily, Rose
Yellow's the best color that grows
Real chicks at TSC in big galvanized tubs
cheeping away. Irresistible!
Kids in-old fashioned yellow raincoats and hats.
Yellow roses are my favorite, but no one has ever
asked me what my favorite rose color is
Hidden treasures are worth a little trouble.
I want soft new yellow, not hot burning yellow.
The yellow of a yellow bird.
"Don't make it pretty, they say," but I can't help it.
The last line is a reference to always having to make my collages and/or journals pretty, something I'm trying (without much success) to get away from. I also have trouble knowing when to stop. Half those phrases would have been enough. And if I were doing these collage pages today, I don't know that I would have had my sentences going every which way all over the pages. But it was a fun way to fulfill my yearning for yellow!

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