Friday, February 2, 2007


I don't expect this post to be a lengthy one. My computer desk is by the window with the air conditioner, and it isn't sealed properly. Anytime it is windy, the cold air comes seeping in, or - more appropriately today - blasting in.

Thank God I'm not living in the movie "Groundhog Day," or I might have to shoot myself. This is the coldest day of the winter so far. If I had to keep waking up to this day after day I don't know how long I would last. It's no coincidence that I picked a summertime groundhog photo. It makes me feel warmer for a second or two and gives me hope that I will once again see green grass.

At least I was able to stay warm and toasty at home. Because so many people are taking Presidents' Day as a float day, I decided to take my float day today. It goes without saying that I am extremely happy I did. The only time I got cold today was when I was trying to convince my Golden Retriever, Penny, to come back into the house. Gracie, the new puppy, had the sense to come in out of the cold, but not Penny. She could lie down on a snowbank and think she was in a sauna. She has a new version of her "throw the ball" game that's driving me nuts. Usually, she drops the ball by the patio door and dashes out into the yard, waiting for me to pick up the ball and throw to her. Now, she drops the ball as usual, but instead of waiting in the yard, she lurks at the top of the stairs. As soon as I open the door, she dashes back and grabs the ball before I can reach it. Needless to say, this is frustrating for me and extremely fun for Penny.

After work last night, I dreaded going to the grocery store. The temps were already low, the wind was biting, my car was frigid and I was tired. I forced myself to go anyway. Thank goodness I did, because I would have been without a car and food for the weekend. Dan had to use my car today, his car being without a working heater fan. I will graciously offer my car to him tomorrow too, because I am not venturing out anytime soon. Certainly not tomorrow, and hopefully not even Sunday (Can I use cold as an excuse not to go to a Super Bowl party?).

Channel 7's teaser for the evening news went something like this: "We North Dakotans are a hearty bunch, but today it's cold even for us." Ya think? It promises to be from -20 to -30 tonight, -40 to -50 wind chill. We have a saying here in North Dakota: "Forty below keeps the riff-raff out." Today, I think I'd gladly welcome a few more riff-raff in if I could trade them for about 80 more degrees. How bad can those riff-raff be, anyway?

Our mail wasn't delivered until 6:40 PM today. They say that neither rain or sleet nor hail can stop the postman from his appointed rounds, but maybe low wind chill factors do.

Oh, and by the way, out in Pennsylvania where Groundhog Phil lives, folks can count on six more weeks of winter (whether he sees his shadow or not.) In North Dakota, that translates into 10 more weeks of winter. Oh, joy. At least the mailman, when he finally came, brought me three brand new Netflix movies. "Well, it's hi, hi, hee, cocooning I will be."

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