Monday, January 22, 2007




A book that has really helped me increase my creativity is "True Colors", published by Somerset Studios. "True Colors", the story of collaborative art journals created by 15 extremely talented women, held me in thrall for months.

The story behind "True Colors" is that each woman started a visual art journal featuring her chosen palette: yellow and violet, the forest floor, autumn colors, and all white, were just a few of the selections. After she created her entries and decorated her book's cover, she would pass along her journal to the next artist, who would add her vision of that book's color palette. And so on. It took many months for all the journals to come back home, but what an outpouring of creativity the lucky recipients received! The journals returned overflowing with embellishments, ribbons, fabrics, found objects of all sorts.

The pages above are my attempt to create a cream, white and sepia palette. It is also a tribute to my fascination with graveyard angels. I did this series a couple of years ago. Looking at it now, I rate it quite good in terms of the color palette, pretty good in terms of materials used, and pathetic in terms of composition.

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